ラジオ英会話 Lesson 10 今週のReview


オンエア時の大西先生、Rozaさん、Davidさん3人の会話を、リスニングの練習を兼ねて書き起こします。傾向としてその日のKey Sentenceを取り入れた会話になってるので勉強になりますね。


Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。さあ金曜復習会頑張ってきますよ。

Roza: Hey everyone, it’s Friday. You know what that means, it’s time for the review. This is Akino Rosa.

David: And I’m David Evans. That’s right folks, it’s Friday’s review. Let’s get into it.

Ohnishi: それでは早速始めていきましょう。

Listening Challenge!


Roza: Okay guys, here’s the question. What will Yayoi and Raj probably do?

🅐 They will call Jonas.
🅑 They will go to Mumbai.
🅒 They will meet in Tokyo.

Here we go!

Yayoi: Marketing Department.

Raj: Hello, may I speak to Jonas?

Yayoi: I’m sorry, but Jonas is in a meeting now. May I ask who’s calling?

Raj: This is Raj.

Yayoi: Raj? It’s Yayoi.

Raj: Oh, Yayoi! How are you? Your voice sounds different.

Yayoi: Does it? I’m fine, thanks. Where are you working now, Raj?

Raj: I’m in the IT department of an insurance company in Mumbai.

Yayoi: Oh, that’s great!

Raj: Actually, I’m coming to Tokyo next month.

Yayoi: Really? Let’s get together for drinks then.

Raj: Sounds like a plan.


🅒 They will meet in Tokyo.


David: Okay, what will Doug do?

🅐 He will buy sweet potatoes.
🅑 He will call his sister.
🅒 He will make a sweet potato pie.

Listen up!

Shiho: Doug, look. Our neighbor, the farmer, gave us some sweet potatoes.

Doug: Wow, that’s nice of him.

Shiho: Yes, these are purple sweet potatoes called murasakiimo.

Doug: I love sweet potatoes. I can make a pie with them.

Shiho: Sweet potato pie?

Doug: Yes, it’s a treat in my home state of Texas. Southern cooking at its finest.

Shiho: I’m getting hungry already.

Doug: I’ll make it tonight. My sister sent me a good recipe recently.

Shiho: If you do, I’ll give you a kiss. Maybe.

Doug: All right!


🅒 He will make a sweet potato pie.


Roza: Which of the following is true?

🅐 The man enjoyed his ramen.
🅑 The woman thinks that the man is an alien.
🅒 The man is interested in the ramen business.

Listen carefully.

Carolyn: Irrasshaimase! Oh, you’re back.

Dr. Downs: Yes, thanks for the great ramen.

Carolyn: You’re welcome. Would you like to order again?

Dr. Downs: Um, not today, thanks. I just wanted to check on something.

Carolyn: Check on something?

Dr. Downs: Yes. The other day you said you had never seen an alien here.

Carolyn: Right.

Dr. Downs: But I know that an alien did come here.

Carolyn: Are you calling me a liar?

Dr. Downs: Please don’t get upset.

Carolyn: Sir, you can leave now. I don’t need your business.


🅐 The man enjoyed his ramen.


David: Which of the following is true about Nate?

🅐 He is the man’s former colleague.
🅑 He was a university student in the 1990s.
🅒 He is in the man’s family.

Here we go!

Roxy: Who was that weird man?

Dad: That’s my old friend Nate Santos. We went to university together.

Roxy: University? That was in the early 1990s, right?

Dad: Right. We lived in the same dorm in Berkeley.

Roxy: Oh, no wonder he seemed so friendly with you.

Dad: Yeah, we go way back, Nate and I. We’re like family.

Roxy: So, you must have a lot of good memories together.

Dad: We sure had a lot of fun back then. Really nice guy, that Nate.


🅑 He was a university student in the 1990s.

Say lt in Engish



Hi! Where’s Kana?


She’s in the kitchen cooking dinner for you. Smells wonderful, right?
Why don’t you have a beer? It’ll take a while.


Can you recommend a good place?


How about Nara? There are so many sightseeing spots there.
I’ll show you the photos I took when I went there last spring. Awesome place!



Ohnishi: So, guys, have you ever been to Nara?

David: I’ve been to Kyoto many times, but never Nara.

Roza: Really? I love Nara, especially Nara-koen, at sunrise, it’s one of the most beautiful places ever.

Ohnishi: Uh -huh famous for many deer?

Roza: Yeah.

Ohnishi: んー、奈良行ってみたいっすね。というわけで今日はこの辺で。

ALL: Bye!


  • しばらくかかる:take a while
  • 観光名所:sightseeing spot