ラジオ英会話 Lesson 15 今週のReview


オンエア時の大西先生、Rozaさん、Davidさん3人の会話を、リスニングの練習を兼ねて書き起こします。傾向としてその日のKey Sentenceを取り入れた会話になってるので勉強になりますね。


Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。さあ今日は、レビューレッスンですね、頑張っていきましょう。

Roza: Hi everyone, this is Akino Rosa. Welcome to another fun-filled Friday.

David: And I’m David Evans, it’s time for the review〜♪

Ohnishi: それでは〜♪ 早速始めていきましょう〜♪

Listening Challenge!


Roza: Okay, everyone, here’s the question. Which of the following is true?

🅐 Cynthia is an English teacher.
🅑 Ryan wants to write a book.
🅒 Cynthia and Ryan went to the same high school.

Here we go!

Ryan: Cynthia, hi! Fancy meeting you here.

Cynthia: Ryan! Wow, what a surprise! What are you doing here?

Ryan: I like to read a good book now and then.

Cynthia: That’s news to me.

Ryan: Anyway, I heard that you quit as manager of the band.

Cynthia: Yes, that was quite a while ago.

Ryan: What are you doing now?

Cynthia: I’m teaching English at a high school.

Ryan: You’re a teacher?

Cynthia: Yes, it was a long-time dream of mine.

Ryan: That’s really great, Cynthia.


🅐 Cynthia is an English teacher.


David: Okay, How was Renji’s Japanese History Test?

🅐 It was hard.
🅑 He got a perfect score on it.
🅒 His classmates prepared well for it.

Listen up!

Aoi: So, Renji, how did you do on the Japanese history test?

Renji: I got 95 percent of the answers correct.

Aoi: Wow, that’s your highest score in that subject so far.

Renji: Seriously, it was a hard test.

Aoi: But you did very well.

Renji: Thanks to your help. I studied hard for it. Most of the other students got lower scores.

Aoi: Really?

Renji: Yeah, they said they didn’t study for it seriously.

Aoi: You always have to be prepared

Renji: Exactly.


🅐 It was hard.


Roza: Which of the following do the two people taste?

🅐 Soup that the woman made.
🅑 Soup that takes an hour to make.
🅒 Soup that is not made from pork bones.

Listen carefully.

Takuma: Finally! OK, let me taste the soup of this vegan tonkotsu ramen. Itadakimasu!

Kelly: How is it?

Takuma: Mmmm. It’s surprisingly rich like real tonkotsu soup.

Kelly: Let me try. Yeah, it’s hard to believe it’s not made from pork bones. So, was it worth the wait?

Takuma: I think it was worth the hour-long wait.

Kelly: That’s normal for a popular place, apparently.

Takuma: I wonder if we can ask the owner for the recipe.

Kelly: It’s probably a trade secret.


🅒 Soup that is not made from pork bones.


David: Who will go to the hair salon and for what?

🅐 Adam will go there for a haircut.
🅑 Roxy will go there for a haircut.
🅒 Adam’s wife will go there before going shopping.

Here we go!

Maki: サロン・ド・マキマキでございます。

Adam: Hi, Maki, it’s Adam Gordon.

Maki: Oh, hi, Adam. It’s been a long time. How are you?

Adam: Good. Hey, listen, Maki, I was wondering if I could make an appointment for tomorrow at 4:30.

Maki: just a haircut for yourself?

Adam: Yeah, it’s not Roxy or my wife this time.

Maki: Let’s see…could you come in at 4:15?

Adam: I’ll try. I may be a little late. I have to do some shopping first.

Maki: Sure, no problem. See you tomorrow!


🅐 Adam will go there for a haircut.

Say lt in Engish



Hi, nice to meet you.


Hi. Nice to meet you too. I heard that you like roses. I like them as well.

After a couple of drinks, I‘ll take you to my garden. You may be interested.


Do you have this?


An acrylic stand of HIROTO48? Unfortunately, that item is so popular, and we’re out of stock right now.
Could you wait until the next delivery? It’s next Wednesday, I believe.



Roza: You know, we should make an acrylic stand of Hiroto.

Ohnishi: 笑 No thanks.

David: Really? I think it would sell pretty well, to be honest.

Roza: You know what? Let’s make one of David.

David: Oh, really? Me? … Me?

Ohnishi: Oh, let’s do that. 冗談です。というわけで今日はこの辺で。

ALL: Bye!


  • ちょっと飲んだら・飲んだあとに:after a couple of drinks
  • アクリルスタンド:acrylic stand
  • 在庫切れの:out of stock
  • 入荷(商品の配送):delivery