Opening Talk(会話書き起こし)
ラジオ英会話で英語力をアップ! 大西先生、Rozaさん、Davidさんの会話書き起こし
- その日のKey Sentenceを取り入れた会話が多いので、自然な英語表現を学べる
- ネイティブスピーカーの自然な会話のリズムやイントネーションを体感できる
- リスニングだけでなく、スピーキングの練習にも役立つ
Ohnishi: I think I’m going to cry.
David: え、Sensei, what happened?
Ohnishi: いや、目にカブトムシが入っちゃってね笑 「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。
Roza: Your eyes make the perfect nest for Kabutomushi. Hey everyone, this is Akino Rosa.
David: And I am David Evans. Oh my, sensei. What big eyes you have!
Ohnishi: Oh, thank you. というわけで、早速始めていきましょう。
Today’s dialog
Jeannie: Good morning, Dr. Stein. How are you feeling today?
Dr. Stein: Good morning, Jeannie! I feel great.
Jeannie: That’s good to hear. Are you hungry? I have brought you breakfast.
Dr. Stein: Did you make that breakfast yourself?
Jeannie: Yes, buttered toast and eggs, sunny-side up. Are they to your liking?
Dr. Stein: Oh, Jeannie, yes, they are! I think I’m going to cry.
Jeannie: Don’t cry, Doctor. Aren’t you happy?
Dr. Stein: Yes, I’m so happy I want to cry.
Jeannie: Humans cry when they are happy?
Dr. Stein: We do indeed.
Good morning, Dr. Stein. How are you feeling today?
Good morning, Jeannie! I feel great.
That’s good to hear. Are you hungry? I have brought you breakfast.
Did you make that breakfast yourself?
Yes, buttered toast and eggs, sunny-side up. Are they to your liking?
Oh, Jeannie, yes, they are! I think I’m going to cry.
Don’t cry, Doctor. Aren’t you happy?
Yes, I’m so happy I want to cry.
Humans cry when they are happy?
We do indeed.
Grammar and Vocabulary
Target Forms(会話書き起こし)
Roza: Okay guys, as Ohnishi-Sensei said, feel the question. Feel the curiosity as you’re practicing. Are you? Is he? Just have that feeling of question mark when you’re practicing. Let’s go.
Is he?
Is he?
Is he tired?
Is he tired?
David: Okay, here’s our next.
Can you?
Can you?
Can you drive?
Can you drive?
Roza: Keep going.
Does he?
Does he?
Does he know you?
Does he know you?
David: Okay and one more.
Did you?
Did you?
Did you see that?
Did you see that?
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
Target Formsの例文だけでは物足りない!
Google AIのジェミニが生成する、実践的な英文で英語学習をレベルアップ!
Target Formsで取り上げられた例文だけでは英語学習が物足りない、もっと練習したいという方へ!
このブログでは、Google AIの最新言語モデル「ジェミニ」が生成した、実践的な英文を豊富に紹介しています。
- Target Formsの例文だけでは飽き足らない方
- より多くの英文で練習したい方
- 音声付きで学習したい方
Q今回のTarget Forms(配置転換 疑問文基礎)の内容に関連して、練習用の英文を作ってください。 A学習テーマ:配置転換:疑問文基礎
説明:疑問文は、「主語一助動詞倒置(疑問形)」と呼ばれる配置転換を利用して作られます。これは、文の助動詞要素(助動詞、do <does、did)、be動詞)を主語の前に置き、「知りたい・教えて」という感情の高揚を表現するものです。Is it morning already? (もう朝?)
Have you seen my keys? (私の鍵を見た?)
Am I not studying well for the test? (テスト勉強、うまく進んでないかな?)
Are you lost? Can I help you? (道に迷っていますか?何かできることありますか?)
What’s wrong? Are you okay? (どうしたの?大丈夫?)
What did we eat for dinner last night? (昨日の晩御飯は何を食べたっけ?)
Is he still sleeping? Should I wake him up? (彼はまだ寝ている?起こした方がいいかな?)
What’s wrong with her? Should I talk to her? (彼女はどうしたんだろう?話しかけた方がいいかな?)
Did she call you back? I left her a message earlier.(彼女からの電話はありましたか?先ほどメッセージを残しました。)
Are they coming to the meeting? We need everyone’s input.(彼らは会議に参加しますか?皆の意見が必要です。)
Grammar in Action
Are you all right? That was some shocking news.
Is she angry? She left suddenly.
Can you hear me? Hello? Hello?
Ending Talk(会話書き起こし)
Ohnishi: Hey guys, how do you like your eggs?
David: Oh, I like them all kinds of ways. I like deviled eggs and poached eggs and scrambled eggs.
Roza: I’m a raw egg type of girl.
David: I’m sorry what?
Roza: 卵かけご飯最高!
David: TKGかぁ..
Roza&David: TKG! TKG! TKG!
Ohnishi: というわけで今日はこの辺で
ALL: Bye!
I’m a ~ type of girl で「~派女子」なので、I’m a raw egg type of girl =「生卵派女子=卵かけご飯派女子」ってことですね😄
- buttered toast:バター(つき)トースト
- sunny-side up:(卵の)目玉焼き
- indeed:もちろん、本当に