No problem. So, did you complete the survey form? What did you choose as your favorite place on the tour?
私たちがランチを食べたレストランを選びました。あそこの料理はおいしかったで すから。
I chose the restaurant where we had lunch. The food was delicious.
I chose Mitsumine Shrine. I want to see it again.
I couldn’t agree more. Oh, this medicine is great. I feel better already.
That’s good to hear.
Grammar and Vocabulary
Are you OK? あなたは大丈夫ですか?
I chose the restaurant where we had lunch. 私たちがランチをとったレストランを、私は選びました。
Target Forms(会話書き起こし)
Key Sentence
What do you have there?
Who does she like? 彼女は誰が好きなのですか?
When can you start? あなたはいつ始めることができますか?
Where do you work? あなたはどこで働いているのですか?
David: Okay everyone, it’s time for today’s practice. wh-questions ask for missing information. We choose our wh-question word based on the type of information we want. So let’s practice and master them together.
Roza: Let’s start.
Who? Who? Who does she like? Who does she like?
David: All right and here’s our next.
When? When? When can you start? When can you start?
Roza: Keep going.
Where? Where? Where do you work? Where do you work?
David: Unlock your potential. Roza: Repetition is the key. Both: Great work.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
Target Formsの例文だけでは物足りない! Google AIのジェミニが生成する、実践的な英文で英語学習をレベルアップ!