ラジオ英会話 Lesson 85 今週のReview

Lesson 2024-25

Opening Talk(ディクテーション/会話書き起こし)


Ta-da! TGIF! しまっていこう〜!


Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ 英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。さあ、金曜復習会、しまっていきましょう。

Roza: Hey everybody, this is Akino Roza. You know what day it is? It’s Friday!

David: And that means it’s time for the review. Okay everyone, I’m David Evans and let’s get to it.

Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、早速始めていきましょう。

Listening Challenge!



Roza&David: Listening Challenge!

David: Okay, let’s review this week’s dialogues.

Roza: Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.

David: Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.

Roza: Here’s the question. What are the two things needed to succeed? What are the two things needed to succeed?

🅐 A good teacher and a plan.
🅑 Long lessons and advice.
Or 🅒 A plan and lots of time.

Here we go.

Seiichiro: Ms. Stravinsky, I can’t play this Beethoven piece well at all.

Ms. Stravinsky: I know you can do it, Seiichiro.

Seiichiro: But it’s taking so much time.

Ms. Stravinsky: I have some advice for you. My piano teacher told me this a long time ago.

Seiichiro: Your piano teacher?

Ms. Stravinsky: Yes, many years ago, when I was very young.

Seiichiro: What was their advice?

Ms. Stravinsky: In order to succeed, you need two things. One is a plan.

Seiichiro: OK. So, what’s the other thing?

Ms. Stravinsky: Time. Lots of time.


🅒 A plan and lots of time.



David: All right, now let’s move on to Tuesday’s dialogue. Here’s the question. Why did Adam’s wife and daughter stop by? Why did Adam’s wife and daughter stop by?

🅐 To drop off Adam.
🅑 To say hi to Maki.
🅒 To see the blossoms.

Listen up!

Maki: Adam, can you move your head a little to the left?

Adam: Like this?

Maki: That’s great, thanks. Oh, I saw your wife and daughter the other day.

Adam: Did you?

Maki: Yes, they dropped by to say hello.

Adam: That’s nice of them.

Maki: Roxy’s coming to be quite a lovely young lady.

Adam: Thanks. I agree. She’s really blossoming.

Maki: She really is. OK, we’re done.

Adam: Thanks, Maki. Oh, I don’t have any cash today. Can I pay by credit card?

Maki: Of course.


🅑 To say hi to Maki.



Roza: Okay, next up, Wednesday’s dialogue. Which of the following is true? Which of the following is true?

🅐 Anton couldn’t contact Houston Control.
🅑 It’s morning in New York.
🅒 The two people want to listen to music on the radio.

Listen carefully.

Megan: Anton, how can that be Earth? We are supposed to be going toward Mars.

Anton: It is definitely Earth. I can see Africa and Europe.

Megan: Have you contacted Houston Control?

Anton: I’ve been trying, Commander. I can’t get through.

Megan: What’s the problem?

Anton: I don’t understand. I’m not getting any radio signal.

Megan: That’s impossible!

Anton: It’s nighttime in New York, but I don’t see any lights!

Megan: Can New York be dark at night? Let’s go down to the surface.

Anton: Setting a course, Commander.


🅐 Anton couldn’t contact Houston Control.



David: And last up is Thursday’s dialogue. First, let’s listen to the question. What kind of handbag does the clerk recommend? What kind of handbag does the clerk recommend?

🅐 One with a removable strap.
🅑 A light brown one.
🅒 One for this autumn.

Here we go.

Clerk: Hi there. How are you doing today?

Alexis: Fine, thanks. And you?

Clerk: I’m doing great. How may I help you?

Alexis: I’m looking for a handbag for summer.

Clerk: Happy to help. I like the one you’ve got. It’s very nice.

Alexis: It’s OK, but look. The strap is coming apart here.

Clerk: Ah, time for a new one, then. What color did you have in mind?

Alexis: Hmmm. Light brown might be nice.

Clerk: Oh, I may have just the thing for you. This came in today.

Alexis: Ooh. It’s nice.


🅑 A light brown one.

Say lt in Engish



…and I said to her, “It’s over.”


You can’t be serious. You told your partner that you were leaving her just because she forgot your birthday?

You should call her and apologize before it’s too late.


I’ll get the bill.


I appreciate the gesture, but let’s split it.

Can I use my credit card? I don’t have any cash at the moment. Give me half the bill in cash, OK?




Ohnishi: さて、ここでお知らせです。今月、ラジオ英会話の特集番組を放送します。題して「ラジオ英会話英語のお悩み解決、夏休みスペシャル」。皆さんからお寄せいただいたお悩みや疑問を、私がずばっと解決します。たくさんの投稿をありがとうございました。今回の番組は、スペシャルゲストとして、いとうあさこさんをお迎えしますよ。NHKラジオ第2で、8月12日月曜日の午後5時から放送予定です。それでは今日はこの辺で。

ALL: Bye!



  • 謝罪する: apologize
  • 割り勘にする:split (the bill)