Do you have something to write with? I want to leave a note for my friend. 何か書くものを持ってる?友達にメモを残したいんだ。
There’s nothing good to eat in the fridge. How about ordering pizza? 冷蔵庫に何も食べるものないね。ピザ頼もうよ。
You’ve been playing video games all day. Isn’t there anything else to do? 一日中ゲームしてるけど、他に何かすることないの?
Can everyone who is ready please line up over here? We need to count everyone before getting on the bus. 準備できた人は、こっちに並んでください。バスに乗る前に人数確認しないといけないので。
I’m looking for anyone willing to cover my shift on Friday night. Something urgent came up, and I can’t reschedule it. 金曜日の夜のシフトを引き受けてくれる人を探しています。突然の予定ができて、どうしてもその予定を変更できません。
This event was a huge success! I want to thank everybody involved in making it happen. このイベントは大成功でした!実現に関わった皆様に感謝いたします。
Oh no, that book is on the top shelf. Can somebody tall please reach that book for me? うわぁ、あの本は一番上の棚にある。誰か背の高い人、あの本取ってくれない?
This campaign needs a fresh perspective. We need someone creative to think of a new concept. このキャンペーンには新しい視点が必要です。新しいコンセプトを考え出すクリエイティブな人材が必要です。
Have you seen the new anime? Nobody who has seen it has anything bad to say about it. その新しいアニメ見たことある?見た人は誰も悪いことを言わないんだよ。
Hey everyone, does anybody free this weekend want to have a barbecue at my place? We could even roast some marshmallows for dessert! みんな、今週末暇な人で私の家でバーベキューしない?デザートにはマシュマロも焼けるし!
David: Alright everyone, it’s time for today’s practice. Normally, “Must” has the nuance of strong pressure. But in these examples, “Must” has a feeling of no mistake, or without a doubt. So, let’s get used to that feeling and practice today’s sentences.
Roza: Repeat after us. Remember to speak out loud.
He must. He must. He must be happy. He must be out of his mind. He must be tired.
David: Great work so far, let’s continue.
There must. There must. There must be some mistake. I didn’t order any pasta. There must be some mistake. I didn’t order any pasta.
It must. It must. it must be important. It’s labeled urgent, it must be important. It’s labeled urgent, it must be important.
David: Unlock your potential. Roza: Repetition is the key. Both: Great work.