ラジオ英会話 Lesson 5 今週のReview


オープニング時の3人の会話をリスニングの練習を兼ねて書き起こします。傾向としてその日のKey Sentenceを取り入れた会話になってるので勉強になりますね。


Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。毎週金曜日はレビュー会の日というわけですね。頑張っていきましょう。

Roza: Hello everyone, this is Akino Rosa. Welcome to Friday’s review. Are you ready to have some fun?

David: Hi everyone, I’m David Evans. That’s right, Friday is the day of the review, so let’s get ready.

Ohnishi: それでは、今日も頑張っていきましょう。

Listening Challenge!


Roza: Okay guys, here’s the question. Which of the following is true?

🅐 The woman painted a white house.
🅑 The woman won second place in a contest.
🅒 The woman didn’t do her best.

Here we go.

Sally: Bob, do you remember that watercolor I painted?

Bob: The one with the white horse?

Sally: Yes. I entered it in an art contest and won second place!

Bob: Really? Congratulations! I knew it was special when I saw it.

Sally: To tell you the truth, I wasn’t very confident, but I did my best.

Bob: I know you did. To do your best is important. And other people can see that.

Sally: I want to keep painting more.

Bob: You should. I look forward to your next painting, Sally.


🅑 The woman won second place in a contest.


David: OK. What does Takuma want to do?

🅐 Livestream ramen videos online.
🅑 Eat ramen in Japan.
🅒 Make real ramen.

Listen up!

Kelly: Takuma, it’s time for bed. We have an early flight tomorrow.

Takuma: OK. Give me a few minutes.

Kelly: Aren’t you sleepy? Watching videos for long hours isn’t good for your eyes.

Takuma: I know, but I want to check out more ramen shops.

Kelly: Is that what you’re watching?

Takuma: Yes, I’m looking forward to eating real ramen in Japan again.

Kelly: Me too. Ramen is too expensive here in the States.

Takuma: Exactly. Man, all the foreign tourists making these videos know good places in Japan.


🅑 Eat ramen in Japan.


Roza: Who is Carolyn?

🅐 She is a restaurant owner.
🅑 She is Tyler’s sister.
🅒 She is a well-known runner.

Listen carefully.

Tyler: Jennifer, how was your trip to Japan?

Jennifer: Oh, it was wonderful, Tyler. I want to go back next year.

Tyler: Did you do a lot of sightseeing?

Jennifer: Not so much this time. I was spending time with my sister Carolyn.

Tyler: Your sister lives in Japan, right?

Jennifer: Yeah, she runs a vegan ramen restaurant in Tokyo.

Tyler: That’s right! When did she start that?

Jennifer: She opened the shop in 2012.

Tyler: Wow, that’s a long time ago.

Jennifer: She’s doing well.


🅐 She is a restaurant owner.


David: What do the two people want to do?

🅐 Visit Nikko.
🅑 Go to Mitsumine Shrine again.
🅒 Leave Chichibu.

Here we go!

Mr. Emori: I can’t believe I’ve never been here before.

Cindy: Same here. I didn’t know about Chichibu. This place feels like Nikko.

Mr. Emori: You can say that again. There are some really beautiful shrines here.

Cindy: I want to go back to Mitsumine Shrine again.

Mr. Emori: Me too. I wanted to write a haiku about it.

Cindy: Yikes! Mr. Emori, the tour bus is leaving in three minutes!

Mr. Emori: Oh no! Let’s go.

Cindy: Run faster, or we’ll be late!

Mr. Emori: Don’t worry. They won’t leave without us.


🅑 Go to Mitsumine Shrine again.

Say lt in Engish



My English is terrible. I make a lot of mistakes in just one sentence!


Don’t worry. To make mistakes is natural.
The important thing is to try to speak English as much as possible. And to speak English is a lot of fun, don’t you think?


What are you looking for?


I’m looking for my wallet. It was in my bag, but it disappeared.
Maybe I left it on the train. What should I do?



Ohnishi: Hey guys, when we speak a foreign language, to make mistakes is so natural, isn’t it?

David: Absolutely. You have to make mistakes to get better.

Roza: And actually, even native speakers can make mistakes. Perfection is not necessary for communication.

David: Even monkeys fall from trees.

Ohnishi: なるほど笑 皆さんもミスをしながら英語力を育ててくださいね。というわけで今日はこの辺で。

ALL: Bye!

David: ウキィ

Roza: ふふ..


  • as much as possible :できるだけ多く
  • wallet:財布
  • disappear:消える
