ラジオ英会話 Lesson 20 今週のReview




  1. その日のキーセンテンスが入ってることが多く、自然な英語表現を身につけられます。
  2. ネイティブスピーカー同士の会話のリズムやイントネーションを感じ取れます。
  3. リスニングだけでなく、スピーキングの練習にも役立ちます。



Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。さぁ4月の最終レッスン、レビュー会ですね、頑張っていきましょう。

Roza: Hey everyone, this is Akino Rosa. Welcome back, it’s time for the review.

David: That’s right, everyone. It’s time to bring it together with the review. I’m David Evans.

Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、早速始めていきましょう。

Listening Challenge!


Roza: Okay guys, here’s the question. Why do Aki and Brendan always avoid meat on Fridays?

🅐 Because they can buy fish cheaper on Fridays.
🅑 Because vinegar cures the week’s fatigue.
🅒 Because Brendan’s parents used to do so.

Here we go!

Peacock: Ta-dah! So, Aki, this is my classic fish and chips. Enjoy.

Aki: Wow, it looks amazing!

Peacock: Try a little vinegar on it. It adds a kick.

Aki: Mmm. Oh, this is the best fish and chips I’ve ever had.

Peacock: I’m happy you like it.

Aki: It’s wonderful! You know Brendan, I’ve noticed something.

Peacock: What’s that?

Aki: We always eat fish on Fridays.

Peacock: Ah, true. I don’t eat meat on Fridays.

Aki: Is it because of religious reasons?

Peacock: Well, I’m not religious, but my parents had that tradition.


🅒 Because Brendan’s parents used to do so.


David: OK, which of the following is true?

🅐 Dr. Stein asks Jeanie to make breakfast.
🅑 Dr. Stein likes sunny-side up eggs.
🅒 Jeanie is crying because Dr. Stein is sad.

Listen up!

Jeannie: Good morning, Dr. Stein. How are you feeling today?

Dr. Stein: Good morning, Jeannie! I feel great.

Jeannie: That’s good to hear. Are you hungry? I have brought you breakfast.

Dr. Stein: Did you make that breakfast yourself?

Jeannie: Yes, buttered toast and eggs, sunny-side up. Are they to your liking?

Dr. Stein: Oh, Jeannie, yes, they are! I think I’m going to cry.

Jeannie: Don’t cry, Doctor. Aren’t you happy?

Dr. Stein: Yes, I’m so happy I want to cry.

Jeannie: Humans cry when they are happy?

Dr. Stein: We do indeed.


🅑 Dr. Stein likes sunny-side up eggs.


Roza: What did the woman give to Mr. Emory?

🅐 medicine.
🅑 the restaurant menu.
🅒 the survey form.

Listen carefully.

Cindy: Mr. Emori, are you OK?

Mr. Emori: I think I’m a little carsick.

Cindy: Here, try this.

Mr. Emori: What do you have there?

Cindy: It’s medicine for motion sickness. Take it with some water.

Mr. Emori: Thank you, Cindy. You’re very kind.

Cindy: No problem. So, did you complete the survey form? What did you choose as your favorite place on the tour?

Mr. Emori: I chose the restaurant where we had lunch. The food was delicious.

Cindy: I chose Mitsumine Shrine. I want to see it again.

Mr. Emori: I couldn’t agree more. Oh, this medicine is great. I feel better already.

Cindy: That’s good to hear.


🅐 medicine.


David: What does the man want Helen to do?

🅐 Read a Russian novel.
🅑 Give him back his Desperate Rats CD.
🅒 Listen to “Live at Melon-kan.” again.

Here we go!

Gary: Hey, Helen. Are you reading another long Russian novel?

Helen: No, I’m listening to music.

Gary: Oh, I thought you liked to read books on your tablet.

Helen: I do, but now I’m in a music-listening phase.

Gary: Yeah, I get those too. By the way, can you give me back the CD you borrowed?

Helen: Oh, you mean the Desperate Rats one?

Gary: Yeah, “Live at Melon-kan.” It’s their best album.

Helen: In your opinion.

Gary: In many people’s opinion.


🅑 Give him back his Desperate Rats CD.

Say lt in Engish



Hi. Can we go this way?


Hi there. You may not enter here. This area is off-limits.

If you’re lost, please go to the building over there. You can get a map.


Can you recommend a good English learning program?


Have you ever heard of Rajio Eikaiwa?
That’s the best program l’ve ever tried . Keep on practicing as you listen to it, and your English will improve before you know it.



Ohnishi: Hey guys, are you sure that Rajio Eikaiwa will improve a listener’s English?


Ohnishi: さぁ力強い返答が返ってきましたね。皆さん、来月もぜひよろしくお願いいたします。それでは今回はこの辺で。

ALL: Bye!


  • 立ち入り禁止の:off-limits
  • ~し続ける:Keep on~
  • 上達する、よくなる:improve
  • いつの間にか、知らないうちに:before you know it