オープニング時の3人の会話をリスニングの練習を兼ねて書き起こします。傾向としてその日のKey Sentenceを取り入れた会話になってるので勉強になりますね。
Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」へようこそ、講師の大西泰斗です。今日から新しいシリーズが始まります。今期の目標は英文法をマスターすることです。英文法は、会話力を得るための絶対の基礎。本質的な文法を学んで話せる英語に近づけましょう。今季は練習がたっぷりありますよ。
Roza: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza. To our new listeners, welcome! To those joining us from last year, welcome back! This is going to be another exciting year of Radio-Eikaiwa. Are you ready?
David: Hi everyone, I’m David Evans. It’s so great to have you all here. I can’t wait to see what we have in store. Let’s do our best!
Ohnishi: さあそれでは早速始めていきましょう。
Today’s dialog
Sally: Bob, do you remember that watercolor I painted?
Bob: The one with the white horse?
Sally: Yes. I entered it in an art contest and won second place!
Bob: Really? Congratulations! I knew it was special when I saw it.
Sally: To tell you the truth, I wasn’t very confident, but I did my best.
Bob: I know you did. To do your best is important. And other people can see that.
Sally: I want to keep painting more.
Bob: You should. I look forward to your next painting, Sally.
Bob, do you remember that watercolor I painted?
The one with the white horse?
Yes. I entered it in an art contest and won second place!
Really? Congratulations! I knew it was special when I saw it.
To tell you the truth, I wasn’t very confident, but I did my best.
I know you did. To do your best is important.And other people can see that.
I want to keep painting more.
You should. I look forward to your next painting, Sally.
Grammar and Vocabulary
Do you remember that watercolor I painted
And other people can see that.
Target Forms
To do your best is important.
To relax is important.
To forgive is difficult.
To learn a new skill is challenging.
David: Okay, everyone, it’s time to practice. Today, we’ll practice to-infinitives, to不定詞ね. The key is to make them nice and short. Don’t stress “to”. So, for example, to relax. ううん, Let’s try to relax. Keep that in mind.
Roza: Let’s start.
To relax.
To relax.
To relax is important.
To relax is important.
David: Okay, here’s our next.
To forgive.
To forgive.
David: Let’s put it together.
To forgive is difficult.
To forgive is difficult.
Roza: Great rhythm. Let’s do one more. It’s a little long, but same thing.
To learn a new skill.
To learn a new skill.
To learn a new skill is challenging.
To learn a new skill is challenging.
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Grammar in Action
To prepare is essential.
To make mistakes is natural.
To take notes during meetings is normal.
Ohnishi: さぁ新年度初回の学習いかがでしたか。英文法は話すための強力な武器。実戦で使いこなすことができるようになるまで、しっかりと仕上げていきましょう。1年間頑張りましょうね。
Roza: We hope you guys had a fun first lesson. We are going to have a fantastic time, guys!
David: Practice makes perfect. Don’t give up, keep at it, and let’s have a great year!
Ohnishi: さあそれでは今日はこの辺で。
ALL: Bye!
- watercolor:水彩画
- enter A in B:AをBに応募する
- Congratulations!:おめでとう!
- to tell you the truth:実は、本当のことを言うと
- do one’s best :全力・ベストを尽く