Opening Talk(会話書き起こし)
- その日のキーセンテンスが入ってることが多く、自然な英語表現を身につけられます。
- ネイティブスピーカー同士の会話のリズムやイントネーションを感じ取れます。
- リスニングだけでなく、スピーキングの練習にも役立ちます。
Ohnishi: さあ、お二人に質問です。首の長い動物は?
David: Giraffe.
Ohnishi: キリンですが、足の長いラジオ英会話の先生は?
Roza: 誰でしょうね 笑
Ohnishi: 笑「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。
Roza: Hey everyone, this is Akino Rosa.
David: And I’m David Evans.
Ohnishi: それでは早速始めていきましょう。
Today’s dialog
You can’t take photos here.
Jeannie: Frankie, look at all these old computers.
Frankie: Yes, some of them are from the 1950s.
Jeannie: Here is one with the world’s first computer mouse.
Frankie: I wonder why it is called a mouse.
Jeannie: It kind of looks like a mouse with a long tail, right?
Frankie: Perhaps. I want to take a photo of it.
Jeannie: You can’t take photos here, Frankie.
Frankie: Is that correct? Regardless, my visual sensors can record it.
Jeannie: Right. You were just acting like a human.
Frankie: That is so.
Frankie, look at all these old computers.
Yes, some of them are from the 1950s.
Here is one with the world’s first computer mouse.
I wonder why it is called a mouse.
It kind of looks like a mouse with a long tail, right?
Perhaps. I want to take a photo of it.
You can’t take photos here, Frankie.
Is that correct? Regardless, my visual sensors can record it.
Right. You were just acting like a human.
That is so.
Grammar and Vocabulary
I wonder why it is called a mouse.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
ラジオ英会話例文、AIでちょっと賢く! 多読多聴で、英語力アップを目指しましょう!
I wonder how we can reduce our carbon footprint.
どうやって二酸化炭素排出量を削減できるのだろう。The police have no idea who committed the crime.
警察は誰が犯罪を犯したのか全く分かりません。I can’t even imagine what it’d be like to be famous.
有名になることがどんなことなのか、想像すらできないよ。The whole internet is curious what the surprise announcement will be.
インターネット全体が、どんな驚きの発表がされるのか興味津々です。Could you inform me when the package will arrive?
荷物がいつ届くか教えてもらえますか?I have no idea who took my pen.
誰が私のペンを持ち去ったのか見当もつかない。I’m like, how did they manage to pull that off?
彼らはどうやってそんなこと成し遂げられたのだろう?We’re all dying to know where you found that awesome vintage jacket.
みんな、そのイケてるビンテージジャケットどこで見つけたのか知りたくてたまらないんだ。I don’t get why they broke up. They were so perfect together!
なんで彼ら別れたのか理解できない。すごくお似合いだったのに!They totally forgot when the party is supposed to start.
kind of ~
It kind of looks like a mouse with a long tail, right?
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
I kind of want to go to the beach.
ちょっとビーチに行きたい気分I’m kind of over this place.
この場所少し飽きちゃった。That’s kind of a weird question.
それはちょっと変な質問だね。He’s kind of a genius when it comes to math.
彼は数学に関してはちょっとした天才だ。It’s kind of a complicated issue, so it’s hard to explain briefly.
ちょっと複雑な問題だから、簡単に説明するのは難しい。I kind of wish I had studied harder for the exam.
試験のために、もう少し頑張って勉強しておけばよかった。The political situation is kind of unstable right now.
現在の政治状況はちょっと不安定だ。This wine is kind of dry for my taste.
このワインは私の好みにはちょっと辛口だ。I kind of feel like I should apologize, but I don’t think I did anything wrong.
謝った方がいいような気もするけど、何も悪いことしてないとも思うし。The new technology kind of scares me.
Target Forms(会話書き起こし)
You can’t take photos here.
I watch the news every morning.
He made a pizza for dinner.
She took my seat.
Roza: Okay, everyone! Today, let’s practice thinking about the verb and the noun as a chunk. Alright?
David: That’s right folks. It’s “他動詞” time. Let’s get to it.
Roza: Let’s go!
watch the news.
watch the news.
I watch the news every morning.
I watch the news every morning.
David: OK, let’s continue.
made a pizza.
made a pizza.
He made a pizza for dinner.
He made a pizza for dinner.
Roza: One more.
took my seat.
took my seat.
She took my seat.
one more time.
She took my seat.
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
このブログでは、Target Formsの例文だけでは物足りない方に向けて、最新のジェネラティブAIが生成した実践的な英文をたくさん紹介しています。
- Target Formsの例文だけでは満足できない方
- より多くの英文で練習したい方
- 音声付きで学習したい方
We need to discuss this issue.
私たちはこの問題について話し合う必要があります。I’m always emailing my friends.
いつも友達にメールしてるよ。She hits the supermarket for groceries.
彼女は食料品を買いにスーパーに行くんだ。We do yoga every morning.
毎朝ヨガをします。We’re throwing a surprise party for Sarah’s birthday. Don’t spill the beans!
サラの誕生日にサプライズ・パーティーを開くんだ。バラしちゃだめだよ!I’ll book a hotel room. We can stay there overnight.
ホテルの部屋を予約するよ。そこで一晩泊まれるよ。You’re speaking Japanese very well. How long have you been studying?
日本語がとても上手ですね。どのくらい勉強しているのですか?He won the lottery. That’s the first time in his life.
彼は宝くじに当たった。彼の人生で初めてのことだ。The company launched a new product. It’s already selling well.
その会社は新製品を発売しました。すでに売れ行きが良いです。The weather forecast predicts snow tomorrow. Isn’t that unusual for this time of year?
Grammar in Action
Keith lost his wallet again. That’s the second time this month.
You’re wearing a necklace. Was it a gift from your partner?
Ohnishi: By the way, David, why is the past tense used here?
David: With gifts and, like, souvenirs only again Omiyage, they stop being gifts when you receive them.
Ohnishi: なるほど、今はその人のものでギフトじゃないからここは”was”が普通だよ、というわけですね。
2024/05/14 追記
only again→Omiyageですね😅 訂正ました。
I’ll download Hiroto no Nikki. We can watch it during our flight.
Ending Talk(会話書き起こし)
Ohnishi: Hey guys, have you ever lost your wallet or purse?
David: Uh, I did once a long time ago. That’s why I have all of my cards on my phone now. I went all digital.
Ohnishi: Uh huh. How about you, Rosa?
Roza: Um, I haven’t, but I’m always afraid of losing it, so that’s why I don’t really carry cash.
Ohnishi: なるほど、皆さんもお気をつけくださいね。というわけで今日はこの辺で。
ALL: Bye!
- regardless:とにかく
- visual sensor :視覚センサー