ラジオ英会話 Lesson 30 今週のReview

Lesson 2024-25




  1. その日のキーセンテンスが入ってることが多く、自然な英語表現を身につけられます。
  2. ネイティブスピーカー同士の会話のリズムやイントネーションを感じ取れます。
  3. リスニングだけでなく、スピーキングの練習にも役立ちます。



Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。さあ今日も楽しくいきましょう。

Roza: Hello everyone, this is Akino Rosa. Thanks for joining us for Friday’s review!

David: And I’m David Evans. Alright everyone, let’s enjoy today’s review!

Ohnishi: それでは、早速始めていきましょう!

Listening Challenge!



Roza: Okay guys, here’s the question. What will Frankie probably do?

🅐 Look for a mouse with a long tail.
🅑 Take a photo of the world’s first computer.
🅒 Record the mouse with his sensors.

Here we go!

Jeannie: Frankie, look at all these old computers.

Frankie: Yes, some of them are from the 1950s.

Jeannie: Here is one with the world’s first computer mouse.

Frankie: I wonder why it is called a mouse.

Jeannie: It kind of looks like a mouse with a long tail, right?

Frankie: Perhaps. I want to take a photo of it.

Jeannie: You can’t take photos here, Frankie.

Frankie: Is that correct? Regardless, my visual sensors can record it.

Jeannie: Right. You were just acting like a human.

Frankie: That is so.


🅒 Record the mouse with his sensors.



David: You got it! Which of the following is true?

🅐 Hiroki is the woman’s son.
🅑 The woman often gives Hiroki advice.
🅒 Barbara heard bad news from the woman.

Listen up!

Hiroko: Welcome back, Hiroki. I feel like you’re my son now.

Hiroki: Because I come to see you so often?

Hiroko: Yes, you’ve become one of my best clients.

Hiroki: Well, I need your advice again.

Hiroko: About your love life.

Hiroki: Yes! How did you know that?

Hiroko: I know. Is there someone you’re interested in?

Hiroki: Yes, her name is Barbara.

Hiroko: A blonde woman?

Hiroki: Right!

Hiroko: Why do you like her? She’s bad news.

Hiroki: But she’s always so nice to me.

Hiroko: Stay away, Hiroki. Trust me, I know.


🅑 The woman often gives Hiroki advice.



Roza: Who found what?

🅐 Someone found a time capsule.
🅑 The girl found Uncle Brendan’s cap.
🅒 Uncle Brendan found a message from the girl.

Listen carefully.

Mana: Uncle Brendan, Uncle Brendan! Did you hear today’s news about Oxford?

Peacock: What news?

Mana: They found a time capsule at a school in Oxford.

Peacock: Oh, very interesting.

Mana: Uncle Brendan, what is a time capsule? Can you explain it to me?

Peacock: Of course. A time capsule is just a container, and people put things and messages in it.

Mana: So, what is so special about that?

Peacock: Well, then they bury it in the ground.

Mana: Why do they do that?

Peacock: They hope people in the future will find it.


🅐 Someone found a time capsule.



David: What did Ms. Stravinsky give to Wayne?

🅐 Amy’s lesson plan.
🅑 A chocolate cake.
🅒 A pack of Vienna sausages.

Here we go!

Wayne: Hi, Ms. Stravinsky. How was the lesson with Amy today?

Ms. Stravinsky: She played very well. She is learning some new techniques.

Wayne: I can’t wait to hear her play later.

Ms. Stravinsky: You may be surprised. She has improved a lot. Oh, before you go, Wayne, I have a present for you.

Wayne: Another present? You don’t have to do that.

Ms. Stravinsky: It is a chocolate cake from Vienna again.

Wayne: Thank you so much, Ms. Stravinsky! You really like it there.

Ms. Stravinsky: Yes, I go to Vienna every year.

Wayne: How very nice!


🅑 A chocolate cake.

Say lt in Engish



Wow, so many people!


Hey, look at that. What a cute dog statue! I think I’ve seen it before on a website.

Let’s stand right next to it and ask someone to take our photo.


I finally replaced my laptop! I’ve been wanting this model for a long time.


Good for you! You can work more efficiently now, can’t you?
By the way, can you explain what’s so special about that model?



Ohnishi: Hey guys, have you ever taken a photo with Hachiko?

DavidWell, not the actual dog, but the statue in Shibuya? Yes, I have maybe 20 years ago.

Ohnishi: Really?

Roza: I actually don’t remember if I’ve ever taken a photo with Hachiko, maybe not.

Ohnishi: なるほど、でも見るだけでも、とてもかわいらしいですよね。というわけで今日はこの辺で。

ALL: Bye!


  • イヌの像:dog statu
  • 効率的に:efficiently