David: Okay everyone, it’s time for today’s practice. Here are some set phrases that we usually use in combination with that clauses. Alright, let’s master the rhythm and the feel.
Roza: Let’s begin.
The thing is. The thing is. The thing is that 〜. The thing is that 〜.
David: Good work. Let’s keep going.
The issue is. The issue is. The issue is that 〜. The issue is that 〜.
Roza: One more.
The trouble is. The trouble is. The trouble is that 〜. The trouble is that 〜.
David: Unlock your potential. Roza: Repetition is the key. Both: Great work.
The thing is that you’re always on your phone. It’s like you’re addicted or something. 問題は、君がいつもスマホいじってることだよ。まるで中毒みたい。
The funny thing is that he’s afraid of dogs. Even puppies! 面白いことに、彼って犬が怖いんだよね。子犬でさえも!
Don’t you think the problem is that she’s not getting enough sleep? She always looks tired. 問題は、彼女が十分に睡眠を取れていないことじゃない?いつも疲れてるように見えるよ。
The good news is that the deadline’s been extended. We can take a breather now. いい知らせは、締め切りが延長されたことだよ。ちょっと一息つけるね。
The problem is that the client keeps changing their mind. It’s hard to keep up with their demands. 問題は、クライアントが何度も心変わりすることなんだよね。彼らの要求についていくのが大変だよ。
The truth is that I’m not feeling well today. I think I might have caught a cold. 実は、今日は体調が良くないんだ。風邪をひいたみたい。
The sad thing is that they’re breaking up. They seemed so happy together. 悲しいことに、彼ら、別れるんだって。とても幸せそうだったのに。
Isn’t the trouble that they’re not taking this seriously? We need to emphasize the urgency of the situation. 問題は彼らがこれを真剣に受け止めていないことじゃない?状況の緊急性を強調する必要があるよ。
The thing is that we keep making the same mistakes over and over again. We need to figure out why and try to do better next time. 問題は、同じ間違いを何度も繰り返していることなんだよね。なんでそうなるのか考えて、次はもっとうまくやらないと。
The best part is that it’s free! Wanna come with me? 最高なのは、無料だってこと!一緒に行かない?
The truth is that the original photo wasn’t that great. 最高なのは、無料だってこと!一緒に行かない?
The truth is that the original photo wasn’t that great. Oh well, at least the dialogue was funny. 正直、元の写真はイマイチだったね。まあ、会話が面白かったからいいか。
Ohnishi: Hey guys, the problem is, and the issue is, they share the same translation sometimes, right? What’s the difference?
David: Ah, good question. See, issues and problems can both be big or small, but problems feel more serious. Issues require discussion, and problems require solving.
Roza: Also, if you use the word problem, it does have a more negative feeling, so you can say the same kind of feeling, but if you don’t want to say anything negative, you can use the word issue.