My worry was whether it was best to run for governor or not.
My issue is if this plan will work. 私が懸念しているのは、この計画がうまくいくかどうかです。
The question is whether we have time. 問題は、私たちに時間があるかどうかです。
The problem is if Mom will say yes or not. 問題は、お母さんがハイと言うかどうかだよ。
David: Okay everyone, today’s practice is using the “if/whether節”. “If” is a bit softer and more casual than “whether”, but you can use them interchangeably.
Roza: Alright everyone, ready to practice? Let’s go!
If this plan will work. If this plan will work. My issue is if this plan will work. My issue is if this plan will work.
David: Very good so far. Let’s continue.
Whether we have time. Whether we have time. The question is whether we have time. The question is whether we have time.
Roza: Keep going.
If Mom will say yes or not. If Mom will say yes or not. The problem is if Mom will say yes or not. The problem is if Mom will say yes or not.
David: Unlock your potential. Roza: Repetition is the key. Both: Great work.
The question is if we should order pizza or not. I’m really craving it. 問題は、ピザを頼むべきか否か、なんだよね。無性に食べたくなっちゃって。
My worry is if we’ll have enough time to finish. We only have two weeks left. 仕上げるのに時間、足りるかなってのが心配なんだ。あとたった2週間しかないし。
The challenge is whether we can adapt to this new technology. It’s a steep learning curve. 課題は、この新しい技術に適応できるかどうかなんだよね。習得が難しいみたいだし。
My concern is if this is gonna work out. It seems a bit too good to be true. 心配なのは、これがうまくいくかどうかだ。話がうますぎるっていうか。
The dilemma is if we should go by car or not. The traffic is really bad in the morning. 車で行くべきかどうかがジレンマなんだよね。朝の交通量は本当にひどいから。
My concern is whether the weather will be good. We have an outdoor event. 私の懸念は、天気がどうなるか、ということなの。屋外イベントだからね。
It’s got all the features we could ask for. the question is whether we can afford it or not. 欲しい機能は全部揃ってる。問題は、私たちにそれが買えるかどうか、なんだよね。
The problem is whether we have enough chairs for everyone. We have a lot of guests. 問題は、全員分の椅子があるかどうか、なの。ゲストがたくさんいるから。
The question is whether we should book the venue now or wait. Prices might go up. 問題は、会場を今予約すべきか、それとも待つべきか、ということ。料金が上がるかもしれないし。
The big decision is if we should go to the beach or the mountains for our vacation this year. Both sound great, so we’re in a real pickle! 今年のバケーション、ビーチに行くか山に行くかって大きな決断なんだよね。どっちも最高だから、本当に困っちゃう!