Opening Talk(会話書き起こし)
I gain weight! これ現在形で言ってるってことは…
Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。
Roza: 先生、元気そうで何があったの。
Ohnishi: I gain weight! Yippee! 筋肉で太ったんだよ。
Roza: 本当かなぁ?Hey everyone, this is Akino Rosa.
David: And I’m David Evans. 波が激しいですね〜。
Ohnishi: 笑 というわけで今日も早速始めていきましょう。
Today’s dialog(テキスト)
2013 is when it was started.
Shiho: Doug, I didn’t know Dallas was such an interesting city.
Doug: Yes, most people only think of cowboys when they think of Dallas.
Shiho: Some people are wearing cowboy hats.
Doug: Right, some people do. But most don’t. Hey, Shiho, this is the hospital where I was born.
Shiho: It’s really big. And look at that sign over there. It says something about a piano competition.
Doug: Dallas is famous for its international piano competition.
Shiho: I didn’t know that.
Doug: Well, 2013 is when it was started, so it’s fairly recent.
Doug, I didn’t know Dallas was such an interesting city.
Yes, most people only think of cowboys when they think of Dallas.
Some people are wearing cowboy hats.
Right, some people do. But most don’t. Hey, Shiho, this is the hospital where I was born.
It’s really big. And look at that sign over there. It says something about a piano competition.
Dallas is famous for its international piano competition.
I didn’t know that.
Well, 2013 is when it was started, so it’s fairly recent.
Grammar and Vocabulary
This is the hospital where I was born.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
さて早速、本日のGrammar and Vocabularyで学んだ「関係詞節修飾」を一緒に練習しましょう。今回は、whereやwhen、whyを使った例文を作成しました。
This is the park where I go running in the mornings. One lap is a good five kilometers.
ここは私が朝に走る公園です。1周がゆうに5キロあります。Is there a place where we can park the car? If not, we’ll take the subway.
車を停められる場所あるかな?なければ地下鉄で行くよ。What’s the name of that restaurant where they serve the spicy ramen? I’ve been craving it all week.
あの辛いラーメンを出してる店の名前なんだっけ?今週ずっと食べたかったんだ。Tell me about the time when you first traveled abroad. Were you able to communicate well?
初めて海外旅行した時のことを教えてよ。コミニケーションちゃんと取れた?There are days when everything just goes wrong. Yeah, I know… Well, let’s go grab a drink!
全部うまく行かない日もあるよ。そうだな、ま、飲み行くか!Do you remember the moment when we won the championship? It’s hard to believe it was five years ago.
私たちが優勝した瞬間を覚えてる?あれがもう5年前だなんてね。The reason why I’m calling is to confirm your reservation. Have you finalized the number of people in your party?
お電話の理由は、ご予約の確認のためです。人数は確定しましたでしょうか?I don’t understand the reason why he’s so angry. I was only trying to help.
彼がなぜそんなに怒っているのか理解できない。良かれと思ってやったのに。He explained why he was late. Apparently, he got stuck in a traffic jam.
彼が遅刻した理由を説明してくれたんだ。どうやら渋滞に巻き込まれたらしい。The way she dances is so graceful. It’s mesmerizing to watch.
彼女の踊り方はとても優雅だ。見てるとうっとりする。I’m amazed at how quickly he learned Japanese. His pronunciation is perfect too.
It says something about a piano competition.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
This app really helps me learn new vocabulary. Starting tomorrow, I’ll spend a bit more time on it.
このアプリは本当に新しい単語を覚えるのに役立つ。明日から、少し長く時間を取ろう。The news about the concert cancellation really disappointed me. I was so looking forward to it.
コンサート中止の知らせには本当にがっかりしたよ。楽しみにしてたのに。The traffic delayed my arrival by almost an hour. It’s already pitch dark.
交通渋滞のせいで到着が1時間近く遅れた。もう真っ暗だ。This song always reminds me of our trip to Hawaii. You know what I mean?
この曲を聴くと必ずハワイ旅行を思い出す。わかる?The sign says “No parking.” We can’t park here. Oh, there’s a parking lot over there.
標識に「駐車禁止」って書いてある。ここに駐車できないね。あ、あそこに駐車場があるよ。The alarm went off at 6 a.m. It woke me up, but I went back to sleep.
アラームが午前6時に鳴った。それで目が覚めたんだけど、二度寝した。I thought my device froze, but the Wi-Fi isn’t working. I can’t connect to the internet.
急にフリーズしたと思ったら、Wi-Fiが切れてる。インターネットに繋がってないや。Does this road lead to the beach? I feel like we might have taken a wrong turn somewhere.
この道はビーチに続いているかな?どこかで間違えたっぽいぞ。Will this train get us there on time? I hope it won’t be late.
この電車で時間通りに着くかな?遅れないといいんだけど。Oh no, the milk has gone sour! It smells awful. When did we buy it?
Target Forms(会話書き起こし)
基本文型 説明型-wh節を説明語句に
2013 is when it was started.
Here’s what I think.
Mio is who I spoke to.
This house is where I used to live.
David: Alright, today’s practice is about “wh-節”, and guess what? Just like “that-節”, and “if/weather-節”, we can use “wh-節” to describe the subject. So, just the same, let’s practice and master them.
Roza: Okay, guys, let’s begin.
What I think.
What I think.
Here’s what I think.
Here’s what I think.
David: Great job, let’s keep it up.
Who I spoke to.
Who I spoke to.
Mio is who I spoke to.
Mio is who I spoke to.
Roza: Keep going.
Where I used to live.
Where I used to live.
Full sentence.
This house is where I used to live.
This house is where I used to live.
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
This is how I like my coffee. I’m picky about the cup, too.
これが私のコーヒーの好み。カップにもこだわりがあるんだ。Here’s why I’m late. The traffic was terrible. It looks like there was an accident.
遅れた理由はこれです。交通渋滞がひどかったんです。なんか事故があったみたい。I usually finish work around 6 pm, and eight o’clock is when we usually have dinner.
普段は6時頃に仕事が終わって、8時が夕食の時間なんです。This park is where we met for the first time. It hasn’t changed much, has it?
この公園が私たちが初めて会った場所だよ。あまり変わってないよね。I love all kinds of Japanese food, but sushi is what I’m craving right now.
和食は何でも好きだけど、今はお寿司が食べたい気分。I’m very close with my sister. She’s who I went shopping with last weekend, and we always have a lot of fun together.
私は妹ととても仲が良いんです。この間一緒に買い物に行ったのも妹で、いつも一緒にいると楽しいんです。We’re starting to plan our wedding. Next year is when I’m planning to get married, so we have a lot to do.
そろそろ結婚式の準備を始めないとね。来年には結婚する予定だから、やることがたくさんあるのよ。Let me rephrase that. This isn’t what I meant to say. What I actually wanted to say was…
言い直させてください。私が言いたかったのはそういうことではなく、本当は…Oh, I remember now. This isn’t where I left my keys. I left them in my bag.
ああ、思い出した。ここに鍵を置いたんじゃなかった。カバンの中に入れたんだった。We have to work hard to achieve our goals. That’s how it is.
Grammar in Action
Three o’clock is when the movie starts. Can you make it?
This isn’t what l ordered. I asked for a Caesar salad.
Atlanta is where my parents are from. I grew up in Tampa.
Ending Talk(会話書き起こし)
Ohnishi: Tampa is a beautiful city in Florida, right? I’ve actually stayed there for a couple of months.
David: I spent a couple of summers there when I was a little kid. It’s a really beautiful place, Tampa.
Ohnishi: 皆さんも一度お出かけになるとよろしいかと思います。では今日はこの辺で。
ALL: Bye.
- say:~と書いてある
- competition :コンクール、競争