ラジオ英会話 Lesson 45 今週のReview

Lesson 2024-25

Opening Talk(会話書き起こし)




Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。今日も頑張っていきましょう。

Roza: Hey everyone, it’s Friday. You know what that means. It’s time to review. This is Akino Rosa.

David: And I’m David Evans. That’s right folks, it’s review time. Let’s get ready!

Ohnishi: さあそれでは早速始めていきましょう。

Listening Challenge!



Roza&David: Listening Challenge!

David: Okay, let’s review this week’s dialogues.

Roza: Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.

David: Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.

Roza: Here’s the question. What did Jeannie give to Dr. Stein?

🅐 Some oil paints.
🅑 A portrait of Dr. Stein.
or 🅒 A painting by Bob.

Here we go.

Jeannie: Dr. Stein, how are you today?

Dr. Stein: Fine, thank you, Jeannie. What do you have there?

Jeannie: This is a present for you.

Dr. Stein: Wow, it’s big. Can I open it?

Jeannie: Yes, please.

Dr. Stein: It’s an oil painting…of me! Was this painted by an artist?

Jeannie: No, I painted it.

Dr. Stein: I didn’t know you could paint.

Jeannie: I went to an art studio and learned how.

Dr. Stein: Which art studio?

Jeannie: It is one started by a man named Bob.

Dr. Stein: Amazing!


🅑 A portrait of Dr. Stein.



David: Next up is Tuesday’s dialogue. Okay, here’s the question. What does the man think about Hong Kong?

🅐 There are too many families named Lee.
🅑 It is too cold.
or 🅒 Things are expensive.

Listen up!

Bill: So, your name is Stacy Lee. Any relation to Bruce Lee?

Stacy: No, there are lots of Chinese families in America named Lee.

Bill: Oh, you’re Chinese-American.

Stacy: Yes, my grandparents came here from Hong Kong.

Bill: We’ve played in Hong Kong. It’s a cool city. The problem is that it’s too expensive.

Stacy: But you’re a rock star. You don’t need to worry about money, do you?

Bill: The thing is that I don’t like paying too much for things.

Stacy: Well, I can relate to that.


🅒 Things are expensive.



Roza: Continuing on, here’s Wednesday’s dialogue. Which of the following is true?

🅐 The announcement surprised Tom.
🅑 A governor wants to run with Tom.
or 🅒 Tom doesn’t support reducing taxes.

Listen carefully.

kelly: I’d like to welcome to the show our special guest, Congressman Tom Sakamoto.

Tom: Thank you for having me, Kelly.

kelly: Congressman Sakamoto…

Tom: Please, call me Tom.

kelly: OK. Tom, you’re running for governor.

Tom: Yes, I know I surprised a lot of people with the announcement.

kelly: You certainly did.

Tom: My worry was whether it was best to run for governor or not.

kelly: Now, you say you’re against reducing taxes.

Tom: Well, the issue is if doing that will really help the economy.

kelly: I see.


🅒 Tom doesn’t support reducing taxes.



David: Last up is Thursday’s dialogue. Here’s the question. What is Dallas famous for?

🅐 People wearing cowboy hats.
🅑 Signs just for cowboys.
or 🅒 A piano competition.

Here we go!

Shiho: Doug, I didn’t know Dallas was such an interesting city.

Doug: Yes, most people only think of cowboys when they think of Dallas.

Shiho: Some people are wearing cowboy hats.

Doug: Right, some people do. But most don’t. Hey, Shiho, this is the hospital where I was born.

Shiho: It’s really big. And look at that sign over there. It says something about a piano competition.

Doug: Dallas is famous for its international piano competition.

Shiho: I didn’t know that.

Doug: Well, 2013 is when it was started, so it’s fairly recent.


🅒 A piano competition.

Say lt in Engish



Hi, what’s up?

クリック すると解答例が出ます

Actually, I need to catch an eight o’clock flight to Atlanta tomorrow. But the problem is that there’s no bus service because it’s so early in the morning.

Can you give me a ride to the airport?


I’m really looking forward to your birthday party.


Thanks. My only worry is whether Mari will come to the party. True, we broke up, but I want to stay friends with her.
Have you heard anything from her?




Ohnishi: Hey guys, if you had to catch a very early flight, what would you do to get there?

DavidOh, Like the 5 a.m. 6 a.m. Flights?

Ohnishi: Yes, that’s right.

DavidI’d just stay at an airport hotel.

Ohnishi: How about you, Rosa?

Roza: Oh, I would call you.

Ohnishi: Me?

Roza: うん。

Ohnishi: 聞かなきゃよかった笑 というわけで今日はこの辺で。

ALL: Bye!


  • ~時の便に乗る:catch a lan]~o’clock flight
  • バスの便:bus service
  • ~と友人関係を続ける:stay friends with~
