David: And I’m David Evans. Alright, let’s be the last man standing.
Ohnishi: 笑 さあ、それでは早速始めていきましょう。
Today’s dialog(テキスト)
Key Sentence
You look so happy here.
Caspar: Wow, Alexis, I haven’t been camping in years!
Alexis:When was the last time you went?
Caspar: Oh, when I was a teenager.
Alexis:You look so happy here, Caspar.
Caspar: Yeah, I love the smell of the woods…I feel so relaxed.
Alexis: Are we going to make a campfire tonight?
Caspar: That sounds great. We can roast marshmallows!
Alexis: On a stick?
Caspar: Yes, there’s nothing like roasted marshmallows!
Alexis: Sounds really sweet.
Caspar: I think Umi heard us. She must be hungry. You brought the cat food, right?
Roza: So here, the sweet is actually used as a double meaning. It’s talking about the sweet marshmallows. But also, we say, when something is a good situation, we like it, we say, oh, that’s so sweet. That’s a great thing.
さて、今回のGrammar and Vocabularyで学んだ「time+節」を使った表現を一緒に練習しましょう。このテーマは、過去、現在、未来の特定の時間を表現するのに非常に役立ちます。例えば、「最後に確認した時はまだ雨が降ってたよ」や「次にいつ空いてる?」など、日常会話でよく使うフレーズを集めました。ラジオ英会話を基にしたこれらの例文を使って、英語の表現力をさらに高めましょう!
The last time I checked, it was still raining. We should probably reschedule. 最後に確認した時はまだ雨が降ってたよ。予定変更した方がいいかもね。
When is the next time you are free? I want to catch up over coffee. 次にいつ空いてる?コーヒーでも飲みながら話そうよ。
I have another appointment, so by the time you arrive, I’ll be gone. 他の約束があるから、あなたが着く頃にはもういないと思う。
They met at a coffee shop, and the first time he saw her, he knew she was special. He said it was love at first sight! 二人はカフェで出会って、彼が彼女を初めて見たとき、特別な存在だって感じたんだって。一目惚れだったんだって!
Do you remember the last time we secured a major client? It was a turning point for our company. 大口の顧客を獲得したときのこと覚えていますか?それが我が社の転機となりました。
Remember the time when we moved to this city? That was the time when everything changed for our family. 私たちがこの街に引っ越してきたときのこと覚えてる?あれが家族にとってすべてが変わったときだったよね。
She really loved dancing. There was a time when she used to dance every day. 彼女は本当にダンスが好きだったんだよ。毎日踊ってた時期もあったんだ。
Before I had kids, I used to travel a lot. That was the time when I had more freedom and flexibility. 子供ができる前は、よく旅行してたよ。あの頃はもっと自由だったな。
My parents have their moments. There are times when they argue, but they always make up. うちの両親も色々あるんだ。喧嘩することもあるけど、いつもすぐに仲直りするよ。
Look at this old photo. Those were the days when life was simpler. この昔の写真見てよ。あの頃は生活がもっとシンプルだったな。
David: Alright, let’s get started with today’s practice. Our forms today are similar to be-verb constructions. A equals B. However, the verb in these sentences shows how A and B are equal. Alright, let’s practice.
Roza: Repeat after us,
That great. That great. That sounds great. That sounds great.
David: Alright, good work, let’s keep going.
That bread delicious. That bread smells delicious. That bread smells delicious.
Roza: One more.
I so relaxed. I feel so relaxed. I feel so relaxed.
David: Unlock your potential. Roza: Repetition is the key. Both: Great work.
Thank you so much for these flowers! They smell amazing and really brighten up the room. このお花、ありがとう!すごくいい香りだし、部屋が明るくなったよ。
Hmm, this soup tastes a little salty to me. Does it taste too salty to you? うーん、このスープちょっとしょっぱい気がする。君もそう感じる?
While the idea is interesting, his explanation of how it would work doesn’t sound convincing. アイデアは面白いけど、それがどう機能するかっていう彼の説明は説得力がないよね。
I found this amazing fabric for our project. Feel this fabric. It’s so soft and perfect for what we’re making プロジェクトにぴったりの素晴らしい布を見つけたの。この布を触ってみて。すごく柔らかくて、私たちが作るものにぴったりだよ。
Wow, this dish tastes incredible! You’re such a great cook. わぁ、この料理信じられないほど美味しい!あなたって本当に料理上手ね。
Why does the air feel so humid today? I’m sweating so much even though I’m barely moving. なんで今日はこんなに空気が湿っぽく感じるんだろう?ほとんど動いてないのに汗びっしょりだよ。
Those shoes look really stylish. They go perfectly with your dress. その靴、本当におしゃれだね。君のドレスにぴったりだよ。
We’ve been brainstorming some new marketing strategies. Do you think this idea sounds feasible given our budget and timeline? 新しいマーケティング戦略を考えているんだけど、このアイデアは予算とスケジュールを考えると実現可能だと思う?
I’m not sure if we should go on a picnic today. The weather doesn’t feel right for it. 今日ピクニックに行くべきかどうか悩んでるんだ。天気が良くない気がするんだよね。
I think I finally perfected this pasta sauce recipe. Taste this sauce. It’s perfect! このパスタソースのレシピ、やっと完璧にできたと思うんだ。味見してみて。完璧だよ!
Oh, that’s a sweet connection to today’s dialogue! It’s like a marshmallow roasted to perfection – simple yet satisfying. A clever little touch that adds another layer of sweetness to the lesson.
Ohnishi: American people like marshmallows, right?
David: Oh yeah, It’s part of our culture, roasting marshmallows on a campfire. There’s nothing more American than roasted marshmallows.