Opening Talk(ディクテーション/会話書き起こし)
Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。いやあ最近ラジオ英会話ってね、みんな聞いてるんですよ。で僕はジムに行ったらですね、受付の人にですね、講師だってばれてて、で困ってるんですよね。
David: 何が困ってんの?
Ohnishi: いや面白いこと言わなくちゃいけないかなと思って、必死になって考えてからジム行く癖がつきました。
Roza: で、面白いこと言えた?
Ohnishi: えぇっ 笑
Roza: ま、しょうがないね。Hey everyone, Akino Rosa here.
David: And I’m David Evans.
Ohnishi: さあ、それでは早速始めていきましょう。
Today’s dialog(テキスト)
Nothing remains the same.
Peacock: What are you watching now, dear?
Aki: Another CG historical video. This one is about ancient Egypt.
Peacock: It looks like Las Vegas.
Aki: That’s true. The pyramids are so smooth and white. Were they really like that?
Peacock: Yes, 5,000 years ago they probably did look like that.
Aki: They have aged a lot.
Peacock: Well, nothing remains the same. Even our cities will look completely different in the future.
Aki: I wish I could see the distant future.
Peacock: Me too, Aki.
What are you watching now, dear?
Another CG historical video. This one is about ancient Egypt.
It looks like Las Vegas.
That’s true. The pyramids are so smooth and white. Were they really like that?
Yes, 5,000 years ago they probably did look like that.
They have aged a lot.
Well, nothing remains the same. Even our cities will look completely different in the future.
I wish I could see the distant future.
Me too, Aki.
Grammar and Vocabulary
What are you watching now?
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
さて、今回のGrammar and Vocabularyで学んだ「watch」のイメージを一緒に練習しましょう。このテーマは、「見る」という動作に注視する意味を持たせるのに役立ちます。
I’m watching a new series on Netflix. Have you seen it?
Netflixで新しいシリーズを見てるんだ。見たことある?Hey, watch out! There’s a car coming!
気を付けて!車が来るよ!John loves to watch sports. He’s always talking about the latest games.
ジョンはスポーツを見るのが大好きなんだ。いつも最新の試合について話してるよ。Did you watch the news this morning? There was a big story about our company.
今朝、ニュース見た?うちの会社に関する大きなニュースがあったよ。She’s very careful about what she eats. She’s always watching her weight.
彼女は食べるものにとても気を使っているからね。いつも体重を気にしているんだ。The teacher told us to watch the video carefully. I wonder what kind of questions will be on the quiz.
先生、ビデオを注意深く見るように言ってたね。どんなクイズが出るんだろう。My grandma loves to watch the birds in her garden. She has a lot of knowledge about different species.
うちのおばあちゃんは庭の鳥を見るのが大好きで、いろんな種類の鳥に詳しいよ。Watch where you’re going! You almost bumped into me.
どこ見て歩いてるの!ぶつかりそうになったじゃない。I saw the police at the corner earlier. They’re watching the suspect’s house.
さっきそこの角で警察見かけたよ。警察は容疑者の家を監視しているんだって。These flowers are so beautiful. I could watch them all day.
look like 〜
It looks like Las Vegas.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
ラジオ英会話で学んだ内容を基に、実際に使える英語表現を一緒に練習しましょう。今回のテーマは「look like 〜」です。
What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!
どうしたの?幽霊でも見たような顔してるよ!This pasta looks like it’s going to be delicious! Can’t wait to try it.
このパスタ、絶対美味しそう!早く食べてみたいな。I saw a picture of your brother. He looks like your dad.
お兄さんの写真見たよ。お父さんにそっくり!The forecast said there’s a chance of rain, and those clouds look like they might bring some.
天気予報で雨の可能性があるって言ってたけど、あの雲を見たら降りそうだな。I don’t think those shoes look like they’re very comfortable. Maybe try another pair?
その靴、あんまり履き心地良さそうじゃないね。他の靴を試してみたら?I saw pictures of your new house on Instagram. It looks amazing! What does it look like in person?
インスタで新居の写真見たよ。すごい素敵!実際に見るとどんな感じ?She doesn’t look like she’s telling the truth. Her eyes were darting around.
彼女、本当のこと言ってないんじゃないかな。目が泳いでたよ。This looks like a job for you. You’re great at organizing things.
これはあなたにぴったりな仕事だね!あなたは本当に整理整頓が上手だから。I need this old piece of furniture repaired. Can you make sure it looks like the original?
この古い家具を修理して欲しいんだけど、元の状態に見えるようにしてもらえる?Hmm, does this shirt look like it goes with these pants? I’m not sure…
Target Forms(テキスト/ディクテーション)
基本文型 説明型-オーバーラッピング(さまざまな動詞)
Nothing remains the same.
Stay positive.
He seems angry.
I became a doctor.
Roza: All right everyone, it’s time to practice. As Sensei mentioned, the important thing to remember here is that these sentences are the same feeling of “Aイコール B”. The verbs are just a little bit different from last time. So let’s practice!
David: Alright everyone, here we go!
Stay positive.
Stay positive.
This one’s easy. One more time.
Stay positive.
David: Okay, here’s our next.
He angry.
He angry.
He seems angry.
He seems angry.
Roza: Keep going.
I a doctor.
I a doctor.
I became a doctor.
Once again.
I became a doctor.
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
The fall foliage was stunning this year. The leaves turned such vibrant shades of red and yellow.
今年の紅葉は見事だったね。葉がとても鮮やかな赤や黄色になってたよ。He appeared confident during the interview, but I could tell he was nervous inside.
彼、面接中は自信ありげに見えたけど、内心は緊張していたのが分かったよ。I’m not sure we can finish this project on time. It seems really difficult.
このプロジェクト、時間内に終わるかどうか分からないな。本当に難しそうだよ。Wow, you stayed up all night to finish the project? You should have said something, I would have helped you!
えっ、プロジェクトを終わらせるために徹夜したの? 言ってくれたら手伝ったのに!She remained calm even when the customer started yelling at her.
あのお客さん、彼女に怒鳴り散らしてたのに、彼女は落ち着いてたよ。I heard you were having trouble with your car. How did it turn out in the end?
君の車が故障したって聞いたけど、結局どうなったの?Despite his efforts, he didn’t become a professional athlete. I thought he had the talent.
彼、努力したのに、プロのスポーツ選手にはなれなかったんだね。才能はあると思ってたんだけど。Be careful out there. Stay safe and call me if you need anything.
気をつけてね。安全第一で、何かあったら電話してね。Attention passengers, please remain seated until the aircraft has come to a complete stop and the seatbelt sign has been switched off.
お客様へご案内です。飛行機が完全に止まり、シートベルトサインが消えるまで座ったままでお待ちください。I stay hopeful even though things are tough. Maybe that sounds a bit too confident.
Grammar in Action
Try to stay positive. Everyone loses a match now and again.
You seem distracted. Is there something on your mind?
Leslie became an engineer. It was her dream as a child.
Ending Talk(ディクテーション/会話書き起こし)
「Stay positive!」って、ジョブズの「Stay hungry, stay foolish.」思い出しますね。
そういえば、今日はAppleのWWDCだったんですよね。ラジオ英会話の学習テーマが「説明型-オーバーラッピング」ってのは偶然なのかな? 笑
“Stay hungry, stay foolish.” And I have always wished that for myself, and now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. Stay hungry, stay foolish.
Ohnishi: Stay positive!
David: I’ll do my best.
Ohnishi: Stay positive!
David: Oh, okay.
Roza: David, you know, you don’t have to stay positive if you don’t want to.
David: Yeah, I know. And I think he’s just practicing.
Roza: Really?
Ohnishi: Oh yes, I’m practicing!
Roza: Again?
Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。
ALL: Bye.
- ancient:古代の
- remain:〜のままでいる
- completely:まったく、完全に