We have a crucial meeting with the clients tomorrow. I expect you to be on time. 明日、クライアントとの重要な会議があります。時間通りに来てください。
We need someone to help us with painting the walls. Are you free this weekend? 壁のペンキ塗りを手伝ってくれる人が必要なんだ。今週末空いてる?
She asked me to wait for her at the coffee shop. So, I waited there for about 20 minutes. 彼女がカフェで待っててって言ったんだ。それで、20分くらいそこで待ってたよ。
He doesn’t allow his kids to use their phones on weekdays. He believes it’s important for them to focus on their studies. 彼は平日に子供たちにスマホを使わせないんだ。勉強に集中することが大切だと思っているんだよ。
They invited us to join their party this Saturday. It sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun. 彼らが今週土曜日のパーティーに招待してくれたんだ。とても楽しそうだよ。
This situation is forcing us to make a tough choice. We have to either cut expenses or let some people go. この状況だと難しい決断を迫られるね。経費を削減するか、何人か社員を解雇するしかない。
What prompted her to start painting? She had never shown any interest in art before. 何が彼女に絵を描き始めるきっかけになったのですか?以前は美術に興味を示したことがなかったのに。
Could you remind me to call the doctor? I keep forgetting to make the appointment. 医者に電話するのを思い出させてくれる?予約を取るのをずっと忘れてしまうんだ。
I’m having a party this weekend. Please tell him to come if he’s free. 今週末パーティーを開くんだ。もし彼が暇なら、来るように伝えてくれる?
My professor urged me not to miss this opportunity! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will broaden your horizons. 教授にこのチャンスを逃すなと強く言われたよ!視野を広げる一生に一度の経験になるって。
Excuse me, could you tell me what that dish is? It smells so good! I might have to order the same thing. すみません、あの料理は何ですか?すごくいい匂いがするんです!私も同じものを注文しようかな。
Aww, that baby is so adorable! Look at those chubby cheeks and tiny hands. They look so cute, I just want to pinch them! まあ、あの赤ちゃんすごく可愛い!あのぷくぷくの頬と小さな手を見て。すごく可愛いから、つねりたくなっちゃう!
Hey, listen to this! This song sounds awesome. I think I found my new favorite. ねぇ、聴いて!この曲最高。新しいお気に入りを見つけたかも。
I’m so happy we packed a lunch and came out here. The food tastes even better when the weather feels nice like today. お弁当を持ってきてよかった。今日の天気みたいに気持ちいいと、食べ物もより美味しく感じるね。
This coffee tastes strong, just the way I like it. It’s perfect for waking me up on a Monday morning. このコーヒー濃いね、ちょうど私の好み。月曜の朝に目を覚ますのにぴったり。
You look stunning tonight! Your hair looks great. It’s even better than usual. 今夜、すごく綺麗だよ!髪型いいね。いつも以上に素敵だよ。
This pillow feels so soft and supportive. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, but I think this pillow will help. この枕、すごく柔らかくて、頭もしっかり支えてくれる。まさに私がずっと探してた理想の枕!最近、寝つきが悪かったんだけど、この枕ならぐっすり眠れそう。
The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The flowers smell amazing this time of year. 桜が満開だね。この時期の桜の花は、すごくいい匂い。
I’ve been wanting to see this movie for a while. It sounds interesting. I think I’ll go with this one tonight. この映画、前から観たいと思ってたんだ。面白そう。今夜はこれに決めた。
Your new phone looks cool, even though it’s broken. Things like that happen. 新しいスマホ、かっこいいじゃん。壊れてるけどね。そういうこともあるよ。
My grandmother gave it to me when I was in England.
My friend sent it to me. 私の友達はそれを私に送りました。
Jill bought these for us. ジルはこれらを私たちのために買いました。
My aunt made this for you. 私のおばはこれをあなたのために作りました。
David: Ok everyone, today’s target forums use “to” and “for” to emphasize the recipient,「受け手」ね。 However, you don’t need to stress “to” or “for” in these sentences. Actually, we weaken them in most cases. You’ll see as we practice, ok?
Roza: Alright guys, practice with us.
To me. To me. My friend sent it to me. My friend sent it to me.
David: Let’s keep going.
For us. For us. Jill bought these for us. Jill bought these for us.
For you. For you. My aunt made this for you. My aunt made this for you.
David: Unlock your potential. Roza: Repetition is the key. Both: Great work.
I baked these cookies for you because you’ve been so well-behaved lately. Let’s have some milk with these cookies! 最近とてもお行儀が良いから、このクッキーを焼いたよ。一緒にミルクを飲みながら食べよう!
Did he leave a message for me? He said he’d get back to me about our plans. 彼、私にメッセージ残してくれた?計画について後で連絡すると言ってたんだけど。
Wait, she didn’t write this letter to him. You’ve got it all wrong. 待って、彼女はこの手紙を彼に書いてないよ。全く誤解してるよ。
This book is overdue. You should return it to the library right away. この本は期限切れだよ。すぐに図書館に返してね。
What a beautiful dress! Did your mother make it for you? It really suits you. なんて美しいドレスなんでしょう!お母さんが作ったの?あなたにとても似合っています。
I found some useful information for you online. Check your email for the link. ネットで役立ちそうな情報を見つけたよ。リンクをメールで送ったから確認してみて。
I’m running late for a meeting. Could you please hand this report to Mr. Smith by noon? 会議に遅れそうなんだ。この報告書を正午までにスミスさんに渡してもらえるかな?
Wow, this is amazing! Who bought this present for you? They must know you really well. わぁ、すごい!誰がこのプレゼント買ってくれたの?あなたのことをよくわかってる人に違いないね。
The company sent the package to you yesterday. You should receive it by tomorrow. 会社が昨日あなたに荷物を送りました。明日までには届くはずです。
Can you explain how this software works to me? I’m having some trouble with it. I can’t figure out how to save my work. このソフトの使い方を説明してくれる?ちょっと困ってるんだ。作業を保存する方法が分からないんだよ。
Ohnishi: So, David, your students made a collage for you. Good for you.
David: Hey, thanks. It really warmed my heart. Seeing all these pictures of us playing outside together or eating Kyushoku together with little comments from the students, it was so kind of them.