ラジオ英会話 Lesson 55 今週のReview

Lesson 2024-25

Opening Talk(ディクテーション/会話書き起こし)




Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ 英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。さあ今日も頑張っていきましょう。

Roza: Hey everyone, welcome to Friday’s lesson. This is Akino Rosa.

David: That’s right, everyone. It’s Friday. It’s time for the review. I’m David Evans.

Ohnishi: さあそれでは、早速始めていきましょう。

Listening Challenge!



Roza&David: Listening Challenge!

David: Okay, let’s review this week’s dialogues.

Roza: Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.

David: Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.

Roza: Here’s the question. Which of the following is true? Which of the following is true?

🅐 Helen looks good in her dress.
🅑 Gary’s parents bought him a phone.
Or 🅒 Gary’s ties from a well-known brand.

Here we go.

Helen: Gary, you got all dressed up today! Nice necktie!

Gary: Thanks, Helen. You gotta look good on your graduation day, right?

Helen: Right. Hey, let’s take a photo together.

Gary: Let me do it. I’ll show you my new phone.

Helen: Wow, that’s really cool.

Gary: My parents got it for me.

Helen: Nice!

Gary: Wait. The camera isn’t working. I can’t believe this.

Helen: Is it broken? It’s brand new.

Gary: I’ll take it to the shop later.


🅑 Gary’s parents bought him a phone.



David: Okay, let’s move on to Tuesday’s dialogue. What does Kelly want to know? What does Kelly want to know?

🅐 How to be a gentleman.
🅑 How Arnold was raised.
🅒 How to learn Japanese.

Listen up!

Kelly: And on the show today is everyone’s favorite, Arnold Sylvester. Arnold, welcome back.

Arnold: Kelly, it’s a pleasure to see you again.

Kelly: A gentleman, as always.

Arnold: Well, I was raised to be one.

Kelly: That leads right into my first question. What was your upbringing like?

Arnold: Well, I was born in Austria. I didn’t speak English.

Kelly: But you learned it.

Arnold: Yes, it took me a long time to learn English.

Kelly: I’m still learning Japanese. It’s taking years!

Arnold: そうなんですか?

Kelly: You speak Japanese?!


🅑 How Arnold was raised.



Roza: Next up, Wednesday’s dialogue. Which watch are Roxy and Masaru talking about? Which watch are Roxy and Masaru talking about?

🅐 The one Roxy’s grandmother gave to her.
🅑 The one that stopped working.
Or 🅒 The one that looks old, but actually is not.

Listen carefully.

Masaru: Roxy, that’s a cool watch.

Roxy: Oh, this? My grandmother gave it to me when I was in England.

Masaru: It looks old.

Roxy: I think it was made in the 1970s. It still works, though.

Masaru: Do you miss living in England?

Roxy: I do, very much. And my grandparents want me to come back.

Masaru: Can I come and visit you there someday?

Roxy: That would be lovely.

Masaru: “Lovely.” That sounds so British.

Roxy: Oh, you know British English, Masaru!


🅐 The one Roxy’s grandmother gave to her.



David: All right, let’s finish up with Thursday’s dialogue. What will Shiho have for breakfast? What will Shiho have for breakfast?

🅐 Texas toast and scrambled eggs.
🅑 A rare kind of steak.
🅒 The same thing as the man will have.

Here we go!

Doug: Here we are, Shiho, I had to take you to this place at least once.

Shiho: It’s an American diner, right?

Doug: Yes, but the menu is unique to Texas. Steak and eggs is their specialty.

Shiho: I’ve never had steak for breakfast before.

Doug: It’s really good. How would you like it?

Shiho: I’d like my steak medium rare.

Doug: Yeah, me too. I like my eggs scrambled.

Shiho: That sounds good. How about some coffee?

Doug: Sure. With milk and sugar?

Shiho: I prefer my coffee black.

Doug: OK.


🅒 The same thing as the man will have.

Say lt in Engish



How was your birthday party?


I had a great time except for one thing. My boyfriend gave me flowers, but it didn’t impress me so much.

I was expecting something more exciting like a Rajio Eikaiwa textbook.


Hi, what can I get for you?


Hi. I’d like two hamburgers and some fries, and…one coffee, for here. I’d like the coffee black, please.

Oh, where’s the restroom, by the way?




Ohnishi: Hey guys, giving flowers is a cliche at the moment, right?

DavidOh gosh, I hope not. I give my wife flowers all the time.

Ohnishi&Roza: 笑

Roza: I wouldn’t say it’s a cliche, but it definitely depends on the person if they like receiving flowers or not.

Ohnishi: “cliche”は「ありきたりのもの、月並みなもの」。私は何でももらえるんだったら歓迎ですよ。というわけで今日はこの辺で

ALL: Bye!




  1. 使い古された表現、決まり文句:
    • 例: The movie was full of clichés. (その映画はありきたりな表現で溢れていた。)
    • 例: Avoid using clichés in your writing. (文章では使い古された表現を避けるように。)
  2. 陳腐な考え、型にはまった考え方:
    • 例: His ideas about love are just clichés. (彼の恋愛観は陳腐なものだ。)
    • 例: Don’t fall into the cliché of thinking money is everything. (お金が全てだという型にはまった考えに陥るな。)


  • 一点を除いて:except for one thing
  • フライドポテト:fries
  • 店内用に:for here