Didn’t you see the email? The deadline was changed to next week. メール見てないの?締め切り来週に変更になったよ。
Doesn’t he look happy today? I wonder if something special happened. 今日、彼は幸せそうに見えない?何か特別なことでもあったのかな。
Hasn’t she finished her work yet? I thought she was almost done. Maybe I should check on her and see if she needs help. 彼女、まだ仕事終わってないの?もうちょっとで終わると思ってたんだけど。様子を見て、何か手伝いが必要か聞いてみようかな。
Aren’t these flowers beautiful? They really brighten up the garden. この花、綺麗じゃない?庭がすごく明るくなったわ。
Isn’t there a faster way to do this? We’ve been at it for hours. Maybe we should ask someone for advice これをするもっと早い方法はないの?もう何時間も取り組んでいるよ。誰かにアドバイスを求めるべきかもしれないね。
Shouldn’t we be leaving now? It’s already 12:30. Our reservation is for 1 PM, and we don’t want to be late. もう出発しなきゃいけないんじゃない?もう12時30分だよ。予約は1時だから、遅れたくないよね。
Aren’t you feeling well today? You seem a little tired. Maybe you should take a break. 今日、気分良くないの?少し疲れているみたいだよ。休憩した方がいいんじゃない?
Wasn’t it a great movie? I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I can’t wait to see it again. 素晴らしい映画じゃなかった? もうずっとハラハラドキドキしてたよ。また見たい!
We’re getting together for drinks tonight. Don’t you want to come? It’ll be fun. There will be food, drinks, and music. 今夜、みんなで集まって飲むんだけど、来ない?楽しいよ。食べ物、飲み物、音楽もあるし。
Wouldn’t it be nice to relax on a sandy beach, sipping cocktails, and watching the sunset? We could even go snorkeling or surfing. 砂浜でリラックスして、カクテルを飲みながら夕日を見るなんて素敵じゃない?シュノーケリングやサーフィンもできるかもね。
You should have your eyes checked. あなたは目を検査してもらうべきです。
Get your car washed. あなたの車を洗いなさい。
I need this done. 私はこれを終わらせる必要があります。
David: Okay, let’s get ready for today’s practice. Today, again, we’ll practice the 目的語 and 説明語句, but this time we’ll use the past “participle”, Ooh, 過去分詞. Don’t be scared. They’re easy to use.
Roza: Let’s jump right in!
Your eyes checked. Your eyes checked. You should have your eyes checked. You should have your eyes checked.
David: Great work. Let’s keep going.
Your car washed. Your car washed. Get your car washed. Get your car washed.
Roza: one more.
This done. This done. I need this done. I need this done.
David: Unlock your potential. Roza: Repetition is the key. Both: Great work.
I want my hair cut short. What do you think? I’m hoping it will make my mornings easier. 髪を短く切りたいんだ。どう思う?朝の準備が楽になるといいなと思ってるんだ。
Did you get your car fixed? What was the problem? I hope it wasn’t anything serious. 車の修理は済んだ?何が問題だったの?深刻な故障じゃなかったといいけど。
We had our house painted last week. Did you notice the new color? We wanted something fresh and vibrant. 先週、家を塗り替えてもらったんだ。新しい色に気づいた?新鮮で活気のある色にしたかったんだ。
He doesn’t want his efforts wasted. He’s been training hard for the upcoming match. 彼は努力を無駄にしたくないんだよ。次の試合に向けて一生懸命トレーニングしてきたからね。
Get this mess cleaned up immediately! I’m tired of seeing your clothes all over the floor. この散らかりをすぐに片付けてよ!床に服が散らばっているのを見るのはうんざりだよ。
Why did you leave the door unlocked? It’s not safe. You need to be more careful. なんでドアに鍵をかけなかったの? 危ないよ。もっと気をつけないと。
We need the project finished by next week. Let’s focus on the remaining tasks. 来週までにプロジェクトを終わらせる必要がある。残りのタスクに集中しよう。
She got her nails done at that new salon downtown. She said they did a great job and the prices were reasonable. 彼女、街の新しいネイルサロンでネイルをしてもらったんだって。すごく上手だし値段も手頃だったって言ってたよ。
Have the documents signed by the manager. Make sure it’s done before 5 p.m. today. マネージャーに書類にサインしてもらってください。今日の午後5時まで済ませるように。
What made you so annoyed? You came home in a bad mood. Did something happen at work? どうしてそんなにイライラしてたの?家に帰ってきたとき、不機嫌だったよ。職場で何かあったの?
It is likely that Roza says, “I’m just planning on working on my garden.”
This phrase is more common and makes sense in the context of summer vacation plans, as people often spend time working in their gardens. “Walking on my garden” is less likely because it implies walking over the plants, which wouldn’t be a typical activity one plans for a garden.
So, the correct line is probably: “I’m just planning on working on my garden.”