Opening Talk(ディクテーション/会話書き起こし)
Ohnishi: タイムカプセルかぁ、調子に乗って入れた昔のポエムとか出てきたらやだなぁ、これ。「ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ 英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。
Roza: 先生、やっぱり昔もめだかのこと書いてたのかな。
Ohnishi: ややね。
Roza: 笑 Hey everyone, Akino Roza here!
David: And I’m David Evans.
Ohnishi: それでは早速始めていきましょう。
Today’s dialog(テキスト)
I wonder if someone put it in there later.
Jessica: Professor Peacock, did you hear about the time capsule they discovered in Oxford?
Peacock: Yes, Mana, my niece, was talking about that recently.
Jessica: Well, they found something unusual inside it.
Peacock: What did they find?
Jessica: It appears to be some kind of advanced electronic device.
Peacock: What’s unusual about that?
Jessica: The time capsule was buried in 1865. There were no such electronic devices back then.
Peacock: Hmm. I wonder if someone put it in there later.
Jessica: That’s highly unlikely.
Peacock: Then we have a mystery on our hands.
Professor Peacock, did you hear about the time capsule they discovered in Oxford?
Yes, Mana, my niece, was talking about that recently.
Well, they found something unusual inside it.
What did they find?
It appears to be some kind of advanced electronic device.
What’s unusual about that?
The time capsule was buried in 1865. There were no such electronic devices back then.
Hmm. I wonder if someone put it in there later.
That’s highly unlikely.
Then we have a mystery on our hands.
Grammar and Vocabulary
Did you hear about the time capsule they discovered in Oxford?
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
The movie I watched yesterday was so touching. It made me cry. I highly recommend it.
昨日見た映画はとても感動的だったよ。泣いちゃった。めっちゃおすすめ。Have you read the book he recommended? It was amazing. You should definitely give it a try.
彼がおすすめした本、読んだ?本当に素晴らしかった。絶対に読んでみるべきだよ。We haven’t met the new employee they hired last week. I’ve heard good things about her, though.
先週採用された新しい社員にまだ会ってないんだよね。でも、いい評判は聞いてるよ。Show me the picture you took in Paris. I’ve always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower.
パリで撮った写真見せて。エッフェル塔をずっと見たかったんだ。The laptop I bought last month is already broken. I need to get it repaired.
先月買ったノートパソコンがもう壊れてしまった。修理に出さなきゃ。Oh yeah! Remember the song she sang at the end? What was it called?
そうそう!最後に彼女が歌った歌を覚えている?なんていう曲だっけ?There’s a cafe I want to try near the station. It could be a nice place for our next date
駅の近くに試してみたいカフェがあるよ。次のデートにいい場所かもしれないよ。That’s the house they bought recently. They told me it was a great deal because of the location.
あれが最近彼らが買った家だよ。場所のせいでお得だったって言ってた。These are the vegetables I grew in my garden. They’re much tastier than what you find in the store.
これ、うちの庭で育てた野菜だよ。お店のものよりずっとおいしいよ。They’ve lost the keys they were supposed to bring. Looks like we’re locked out for now.
-thing / -one / -bodyで終わる名詞の修飾
They found something unusual inside it.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
ラジオ英会話で学んだ「-thing, -one, -bodyで終わる名詞の修飾」をもっと使いこなしたいあなたへ! たくさんの例題を一緒に練習して、日常会話で自然に使えるようになりましょう!
I have something important to tell you. We need to talk when you get home.
あなたに話したい大切なことがあるんだ。家に帰ったら話そう。How’s your new class going? Is there anyone new in your class?
新しいクラスはどう?新しい子いる?There’s nothing wrong with being different. Diversity is what drives innovation.
人と違うことは悪いことじゃないよ。多様性こそがイノベーションの原動力なんだ。Pass me something cold to drink, please? It’s really hot today.
何か冷たい飲み物ちょうだい。今日は本当に暑いね。This project is crucial for our company’s success. I need someone reliable to manage it.
このプロジェクトはわが社の成功に不可欠なんだ。信頼できる人に管理を任せたい。I’ll be back soon. Let me know if you see anything unusual around here.
すぐ戻るよ。何か変わったことがあったら教えてね。Are you seriously considering investing in that pyramid scheme? Nobody smart would do that.
本当にあのねずみ講に投資しようとしてるの? まともな人ならそんなことしないよ。Does anybody else feel hungry? Maybe we could order some pizza.
他にお腹空いてる人いる?ピザでも注文しようか。We’re facing a complex issue here. We need somebody knowledgeable about this topic to guide us.
複雑な問題に直面しているんだ。この分野に詳しい人が必要だよ。This is exactly what I wanted! Thank you so much. There’s nothing better than this.
Target Forms(テキスト/ディクテーション)
リポート文-if / whether 節
I wonder if someone put it in there later.
I’m curious whether he remembers me.
I don’t care if you’re bored.
Do you know if that’s true?
David: All right, today’s target forms are again リポート文, but we’ll use “if/whether clauses”. Just like last time, we’ll use the main verb, then use the “if/whether clauses” to explain it after. Let’s practice and put it in your pocket.
Roza: Repeat after us.
I’m curious.
I’m curious.
I’m curious whether he remembers me.
I’m curious whether he remembers me.
David: Great, let’s keep going.
I don’t care.
I don’t care.
I don’t care if you’re bored.
I don’t care if you’re bored.
Roza: Okay, one more.
Do you know?
Do you know?
Do you know if that’s true?
Do you know if that’s true?
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
リポート文-if / whether 節を使いこなして、英語での表現力をアップしましょう!
That man over there looks lost. Should we ask him if he needs help finding his way?
あそこにいる男性、道に迷っているみたい。助けが必要か聞いてみた方がいいかな?It’s getting a bit stuffy in here. Do you mind if I open the window?
ちょっと空気がこもってきたね。窓を開けてもいいかな?He’s starting a new business. There is no telling whether he will succeed or not.
彼は新しいビジネスを始めるんだ。成功するかどうかは誰にもわからないね。We haven’t received enough RSVPs yet. It is uncertain whether the event will be held as scheduled.
まだ十分な参加の返事をもらってないんだ。イベントが予定通り開催されるかどうかは不確かだよ。I haven’t heard from her since this morning. Do you know whether she will join us for dinner?
彼女からは今朝以来連絡がないんだ。夕食に来るか知っている?I sent them an email last week, but I haven’t heard back yet. I’m not sure if they received my email.
先週メールを送ったんだけど、まだ返信がないんだ。届いたかどうかわからない。I’m not sure if he’s coming. He didn’t say whether he was coming or not.
彼が来るかどうかわからないんだ。来るか来ないか言ってくれなかったから。I’m making pancakes for breakfast. See if there’s any milk left in the fridge.
朝ごはんにパンケーキを作るよ。冷蔵庫に牛乳が残っているか見てくれる?She got a job offer from a big company. She doesn’t know whether she should take the job.
彼女、大企業から内定もらったんだって。でも、その仕事を受けるべきか悩んでるみたい。It doesn’t matter if you pick the red one or the blue one, they both look great on you. Just go with what you feel like.
Grammar in Action
if/whether 節を用いたリポート文を作りましょう。
I’m curious whether he understands me or not. English isn’t his native language.
I’m not sure whether or not you’re right. I’m not an expert on the topic.
I wonder if Jennifer wrote this. This looks like her handwriting.
Ending Talk(ディクテーション/会話書き起こし)
Ohnishi: Hey, have you ever seen my handwriting?
David: Oh yeah, It’s very fancy. it’s very nice. I can’t read it at all but it looks good.
Ohnishi: というわけで今日はこの辺で。
ALL: Bye.
- appear to be 〜:~であるように見える
- have ~on one’s hands:〜が手元に残されている