I feel much more relaxed after the massage than I did before. My shoulders feel so much lighter. マッサージの後、前よりずっとリラックスしています。肩がすごく軽くなった。
I was really impressed with how you handled that difficult client. You handled the situation far better than I could have. あの難しいお客様への対応、本当に素晴らしかったよ。私にはあんな風にはできなかったと思う。
Remember Sarah from high school? She’s so much prettier now than she was before! 高校のサラ覚えている?前よりすごい綺麗になったよね!
He looks so much healthier now than he did a year ago. It’s clear that his new lifestyle is paying off. 彼、1年前よりめちゃくちゃ健康的になったよね。新しい生活習慣がうまくいってるのがわかるよ。
I’ve noticed that you’ve been completing your tasks much faster lately. You’re so much more efficient now than you used to be! 最近、君の仕事の処理速度がかなり上がっていることに気づいたよ。前よりずっと効率的になったね!
We have so many more vegetables this year than we did last year! Our garden has been incredibly productive. 去年よりすごい量の野菜が採れてる!うちの畑、めっちゃ豊作だよ。
Your presentation today was excellent. This version is significantly better than the one you showed me last week. 今日のプレゼンは素晴らしかったよ。先週見せてくれたものよりずっと良くなっている。
I’m surprised by how big this hotel room is. This room feels so much more spacious than it looks in the online photos. このホテルの部屋、広すぎてびっくり!オンラインの写真で見るよりずっと広いね。
I found this book way more interesting than I had imagined. I couldn’t put it down. この本、想像以上に面白かった!読むの止まらなかったよ。
This project is turning out to be a real challenge. It’s so much more complicated than we thought it would be. このプロジェクト、本当に大変なことになってきたね。思ったよりずっと複雑だよ。
David: Whatever comes before the verb is the subject. So of course, ing verbs and to infinitives are okay. Let’s practice together.
Roza: Repeat after us, everyone.
Jogging. Jogging. Jogging is a good habit. Jogging is a good habit.
David: Great work! Let’s keep going.
Getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is important for good health. One more time. Getting enough sleep is important for good health..
Roza: Okay, one more.
To succeed. To succeed. To succeed requires hard work. To succeed requires hard work.
David: Unlock your potential. Roza: Repetition is the key. Both: Great work.
I’m so grateful for my friends. Making friends is essential for a happy life. 友達には本当に感謝しています。友達を作ることは幸せな生活に不可欠です。
I’ve been so focused on my career. Spending time with loved ones is the most important thing in life. I need to make a change. キャリアばかりに気を取られてた。大切な人たちと過ごす時間が人生で一番大事なんだ。何かを変えなきゃ。
To travel the world is my biggest dream. I hope to visit every continent someday. 世界を旅することが私の一番の夢です。いつか全ての大陸を訪れたいです。
Watching funny cat videos online always makes me laugh. Want to watch some together? 面白い猫の動画をオンラインで見るといつも笑っちゃうよ。一緒に見る?
You seem stressed. Doesn’t taking a deep breath help you calm down? Remember, everything will be okay. ストレスを感じているようだね。深呼吸しても落ち着かない?大丈夫、すべてうまくいくよ。
To save money requires discipline and careful planning. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. お金を貯めることは規律と慎重な計画が必要です。簡単ではありませんが、それだけの価値があります。
Taking a hot bath with aromatherapy oils is my favorite way to relax after a long day. It really helps me to calm down. 長い一日の後は、アロマオイルを入れた熱いお風呂に入るのが一番のリラックス方法なの。本当に気持ちが落ち着くのよ。
I’ve been feeling much better since I changed my diet. Eating healthy food is beneficial for your body. 食生活を変えてから、体調がかなり良くなったよ。健康的な食べ物を食べることは体に良いんだね。
To learn a new language takes time and practice. Don’t get discouraged and keep going! 新しい言語を学ぶには時間と練習が必要です。くじけずに続けてください!
Singing in the shower always puts me in a good mood. It’s my secret to staying cheerful during busy days. シャワーで歌うといつも気分が良くなるんだ。忙しい日々を元気に過ごす秘訣なんだよ。