Opening Talk(ディクテーション/会話書き起こし)
Ohnishi: いやあ、昨日恐ろしいことがあったんですよ。いい加減飲んだ後で家に帰ろうと思って、気がついたら別の飲み屋に座ってるんですよね。ミステリーです。
Roza: 先生、それを2次会って言うんだよ。
Ohnishi: 笑「ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ 英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。
Roza: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
David: And I’m David Evans.
Ohnishi: さぁ、それでは早速始めていきましょう。
Today’s dialog(テキスト)
What you’re saying doesn’t make sense.
Megan: Anton, good morning.
Anton: Is it morning? It’s hard to tell on this spaceship.
Megan: It’s hard without a sunrise here in space, I know.
Anton: The time I wake up at needs to be consistent. Wait! Look out there. What is that planet straight ahead of us?
Megan: Planet?
Anton: It looks like Earth.
Megan: What you’re saying doesn’t make sense. We are going away from Earth.
Anton: It’s Earth all right. No doubt about it. This is very strange.
Anton, good morning.
Is it morning? It’s hard to tell on this spaceship.
It’s hard without a sunrise here in space, I know.
The time I wake up at needs to be consistent. Wait! Look out there. What is that planet straight ahead of us?
It looks like Earth.
What you’re saying doesn’t make sense. We are going away from Earth.
It’s Earth all right. No doubt about it. This is very strange.
Grammar and Vocabulary
It’s hard to tell on this spaceship.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
Hello? Oh, hi Sarah! I can tell who is speaking from your voice. How are you doing?
もしもし? あ、サラ!声で誰だかわかったよ。元気?Listen to that beautiful birdsong! Can you tell by the sound what kind of bird that is?
あの美しい鳥のさえずりを聞いて!何の鳥か鳴き声で分かったりする?It’s impossible to tell from this distance how tall that building is. We should get closer to get a better view.
この距離からではあの建物の高さがわからないね。もっと近づいてみよう。Can you tell the difference between these two wines? I think one is slightly more fruity than the other.
この二つのワインの違いがわかる?一つはもう一つより少しフルーティーな気がする。Oh, you surprised me! It’s hard to tell who’s who with these masks on. I didn’t realize it was you.
わぁ、びっくりした!マスクをしているから誰が誰だか分かりにくいね。君だとは思わなかった。She couldn’t tell whether he was joking or serious. It was hard to read his expression.
彼女には彼が冗談を言っているのか本気なのか分からなかった。彼の表情を読み取るのが難しかったんだ。Time will tell whether this decision was the right one. For now, let’s focus on what’s in front of us.
この決定が正しかったかどうかは時間が経てばわかるだろう。今は目の前のことに集中しよう。I can’t tell which twin is which. They look exactly alike.
どっちの双子か見分けがつかないよ。二人ともそっくりだもん。This must be hard for them. You can tell by looking at their expressions.
これは彼らにとって辛いことだろうね。表情を見れば分かるよ。You can never tell what the future holds. It’s best to take things one day at a time.
It looks like Earth.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
This scarf feels like silk. Thank you so much, it’s beautiful!
このスカーフ、シルクみたいに触り心地がいいね!本当にありがとう、すごく素敵!Do you smell that? The air smells like rain. I love that earthy scent.
この匂い、わかる?雨の匂いがする。この土っぽい匂い、大好きなんだ。That sounds like a good idea! Let’s try it and see if it works.
それいいね!やってみて、うまくいくか試してみよう。It doesn’t look like many people are coming. Did we get the time wrong?
あまり人が来ないみたいだね。時間間違えたかな?This soup is delicious! It tastes like my mom used to make. You’re a great cook.
このスープ美味しい!私の母が作ってくれた味に似てるよ。料理上手だね。Look at him smiling from ear to ear. He seems happy to be here.
彼を見て、すごく嬉しそうに笑ってる。ここに来れて嬉しいんだね。They appear ready for the exam. They’ve been studying so hard.
彼ら、試験の準備できてるみたいだね。頑張って勉強してたもんね。This room feels a bit stuffy. Can we open a window?
この部屋、ちょっと息苦しい。窓を開けてもいい?This story sounds familiar. Did you tell me this before?
この話、なんか聞いたことある気がする。前に話してくれたっけ?There seems to be a problem. The engine is making a strange noise.
Target Forms(テキスト/ディクテーション)
主語の拡張 – wh節
What you’re saying doesn’t make sense.
What you eat affects your health.
Where you sit is a matter of preference.
My question is where he went yesterday.
I don’t know where she lives.
Roza: Okay, guys, it’s time to practice. Today, for examples one and two, we’ll practice putting the wh節 in the subject position. In examples three and four, we’ll practice wh節 in other positions. Repeat after us.
David: Here we go!
What you eat.
What you eat affects your health.
What you eat affects your health.
David: Great work, let’s keep it up.
Where you sit.
Where you sit is a matter of preference.
Where you sit is a matter of preference.
Roza: Keep going.
Where he went yesterday.
My question is where he went yesterday.
My question is where he went yesterday.
David: And let’s wrap up with one more.
Where she lives.
I don’t know where she lives.
I don’t know where she lives
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Practice (ノエリアオリジナル)
「主語の拡張 – Wh節」を使いこなせていますか?このテーマは日常会話でもよく使われるため、マスターすれば英語の表現力がグッと上がります。皆さんも一緒にこのテーマをマスターしましょう!
What you need to do is talk to your boss. It’s the only way to resolve this issue.
あなたがするべきことは上司と話すことです。それがこの問題を解決する唯一の方法です。Where you go for vacation depends on the time you have off. If you have just a few days, a short trip nearby might be best.
休暇でどこに行くかは休みの日数による。数日しかないなら、近場の短い旅行がいいかもしれない。Why she left him remains a mystery. They seemed so happy together.
なぜ彼女が彼と別れたのかは謎のままだ。二人はとても幸せそうだったのに。The polls are neck and neck. Who will be the next president is anyone’s guess.
世論調査は接戦だ。誰が次の大統領になるかは誰にも分からない。How often you exercise can greatly impact your overall health. Just a few minutes a day can make a big difference.
運動の頻度が全体的な健康に大きな影響を与えることがあります。1日に数分でも大きな違いが出ますよ。What he does will not change my opinion of him. I trust him completely, no matter what happens.
彼が何をしても、彼に対する私の意見は変わらない。何があっても、私は彼を完全に信頼している。When the meeting starts is still undecided. I’ll email you as soon as it’s confirmed.
会議の開始時間はまだ決まっていない。決まり次第メールしますね。Both teams are playing really well. Which team will win the championship is still up in the air.
両チームとも本当に良いプレーをしているね。どっちが優勝するかはまだ分からない。Did you hear about the accident? What caused the accident is still under investigation, but it sounds pretty bad.
事故のこと聞いた?原因はまだ調査中だけど、かなりひどいみたいだよ。You’re still young, but it’s important to think about your future. Who you choose as a partner will affect your future in many ways.
Grammar in Action
What you do is up to you. It’s entirely your decision.
Who you know is important. Many opportunities come from having connections.
How old the structure is is a mystery. It could be thousands of years old.
Ending Talk(ディクテーション/会話書き起こし)
Ohnishi: Ah, David, the repetition of is is no problem, isn’t it?
David: The repetition of is is not a problem, yes, that’s right.
Roza: You guys, what you’re saying doesn’t make sense!
David: It sounds perfectly logical to me!
Roza: What you’re saying doesn’t make sense!
David: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute!
Roza: What you’re saying doesn’t make sense.
Ohnishi: What are you talking about?
Roza: I’m practicing.
Ohnishi: 笑 というわけで今日はこの辺で。
ALL: Bye.
QHow old the structure is is a mystery. It could be thousands of years old.
これは自然な英語の流れですか? Aこれはとても自然な英語の表現です。特に「How old the structure is is a mystery.」の部分は文法的に正しいですが、視覚的には「is is」が続くため、少し不自然に感じるかもしれません。少し変更して、より流暢に聞こえるようにすることもできます。
- “The age of the structure is a mystery. It could be thousands of years old.”
- “How old the structure is remains a mystery. It could be thousands of years old.”
- tell:気づく、区別がつく
- I know:確かに
- consistent:一貫した
- straight ahead of ~:~の真正面に