Roza: Okay, guys, it’s time to practice. Today, for examples one and two, we’ll practice putting the wh節 in the subject position. In examples three and four, we’ll practice wh節 in other positions. Repeat after us.
David: Here we go!
What you eat. What you eat affects your health. What you eat affects your health.
David: Great work, let’s keep it up.
Where you sit. Where you sit is a matter of preference. Where you sit is a matter of preference.
Roza: Keep going.
Where he went yesterday. My question is where he went yesterday. My question is where he went yesterday.
David: And let’s wrap up with one more.
Where she lives. I don’t know where she lives. I don’t know where she lives
David: Unlock your potential. Roza: Repetition is the key. Both: Great work.
What you need to do is talk to your boss. It’s the only way to resolve this issue. あなたがするべきことは上司と話すことです。それがこの問題を解決する唯一の方法です。
Where you go for vacation depends on the time you have off. If you have just a few days, a short trip nearby might be best. 休暇でどこに行くかは休みの日数による。数日しかないなら、近場の短い旅行がいいかもしれない。
Why she left him remains a mystery. They seemed so happy together. なぜ彼女が彼と別れたのかは謎のままだ。二人はとても幸せそうだったのに。
The polls are neck and neck. Who will be the next president is anyone’s guess. 世論調査は接戦だ。誰が次の大統領になるかは誰にも分からない。
How often you exercise can greatly impact your overall health. Just a few minutes a day can make a big difference. 運動の頻度が全体的な健康に大きな影響を与えることがあります。1日に数分でも大きな違いが出ますよ。
What he does will not change my opinion of him. I trust him completely, no matter what happens. 彼が何をしても、彼に対する私の意見は変わらない。何があっても、私は彼を完全に信頼している。
When the meeting starts is still undecided. I’ll email you as soon as it’s confirmed. 会議の開始時間はまだ決まっていない。決まり次第メールしますね。
Both teams are playing really well. Which team will win the championship is still up in the air. 両チームとも本当に良いプレーをしているね。どっちが優勝するかはまだ分からない。
Did you hear about the accident? What caused the accident is still under investigation, but it sounds pretty bad. 事故のこと聞いた?原因はまだ調査中だけど、かなりひどいみたいだよ。
You’re still young, but it’s important to think about your future. Who you choose as a partner will affect your future in many ways. あなたはまだ若いけど、将来のことを考えるのは大切だよ。誰をパートナーに選ぶかは、あなたの未来に様々な影響を与えるからね。