Hey, you just got off your night shift, right? You must be exhausted to have worked all night. Go home and get some sleep! お疲れ様、夜勤明けだよね?徹夜だったんだから、疲れてるでしょ。帰ってゆっくり寝てね!
Did you hear? She landed a job at that famous design company. She must be really talented to have gotten that job. 聞いた?彼女、あの有名なデザイン会社に就職したんだよ。本当に才能があるに違いないね、あの仕事を得るなんて。
Seriously? Who are you to talk to me like that? I thought we were friends. 本気で言ってるの?どうしてそんな言い方するの?友達だと思ってたのに。
You must be angry to react like that. Let’s just talk it out calmly, okay? そんな反応してるってことは、怒ってるんでしょ。冷静に話そうよ、ね?
He must be tired to fall asleep so quickly. I guess the long drive really wore him out. 彼、すぐ寝ちゃったところを見ると疲れてるみたいだね。長いドライブで疲れたんだろうね。
Wow, look at her go! She has to be very confident to present in front of such a big audience. I could never do that. すごい、彼女を見てよ!あんなに大勢の前でプレゼンするなんて、相当自信があるんだろうな。私には絶対無理だ。
Hey, slow down. You must be in pain to walk like that. Do you want me to get you a chair? ねえ、ゆっくり歩いて。そんな歩き方して痛そうだよ。椅子持ってこようか?
You’re out running again? Even in this heat? You must be dedicated to practice every day like that. I admire your discipline! また走ってるの?この暑さの中でも?毎日そんなふうに練習してるなんて、すごいね。本当に尊敬するよ!
They’re all laughing and talking so much. She must be happy to see her family again. It’s nice to see them all together. みんな楽しそうに話してるね。久しぶりに家族に会えて嬉しそうだ。みんなが揃うのはいいものだね。
Who are you to say what’s right or wrong? We all have different opinions. 君が正しいとか間違ってるとか決めれる立場なの?みんなそれぞれ違う意見を持ってるんだから。