ラジオ英会話 Lesson 65 今週のReview

Lesson 2024-25

Opening Talk(ディクテーション/会話書き起こし)




Ohnishi: 「ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ 英語の極意」講師の大西泰斗です。さあ今日は金曜復習会、頑張ってきましょう。

Roza: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza. It’s Friday, that means it’s time to review, review!

David: That’s right! Hi everyone, I’m David Evans and that’s Review Business.

Ohnishi: それでは、早速始めていきましょう。

that’s Review Businessってどういうイメージですか

「That’s Review Business」は、キャッチフレーズのようなもので、「さあ、復習の時間ですよ!」というような意味合いです。



Listening Challenge!



Roza&David: Listening Challenge!

David: Okay, let’s review this week’s dialogues.

Roza: Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.

David: Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.

Roza: Here’s the question. How was the seafood paella? How was the seafood paella?

🅐 It was really good.
🅑 It made Roxy laugh.
Or 🅒 Unfortunately, it had some bread in it.

Here we go.

Dad: How was the seafood paella today, Roxy?

Roxy: Great, as usual. It’s been a while since you made it.

Dad: Unfortunately, the new pan made the rice burn.

Roxy: It’s fine.

Dad: By the way, Roxy, how are things going with Masaru?

Roxy: Good. Masaru is really funny. He always makes me laugh.

Dad: Why? Does he tell jokes?

Roxy: No, he just says things in a funny way.

Dad: Well, it’s nice to have a good friend.

Roxy: Yeah, I guess so.


🅐 It was really good.



David: All right, now let’s move on to Tuesday’s dialogue. Here’s the question. What will Dr. Stein do later? What will Dr. Stein do later?

🅐 See a doctor.
🅑 Teach the woman.
🅒 Learn how to heal robots.

Listen up!

Dr. Stein: Ouch!

Jeannie: Dr. Stein, are you OK?

Dr. Stein: I think so. My hip still hurts sometimes.

Jeannie: It is still healing.

Dr. Stein: Yes, you’re probably right, Jeannie. I’ll have my doctor look at it.

Jeannie: But aren’t you a doctor, Dr. Stein?

Dr. Stein: I’m not that kind of doctor.

Jeannie: What kind of doctor are you?

Dr. Stein: I am a doctor of robotic engineering.

Jeannie: Maybe I can be a doctor like that too someday.

Dr. Stein: Yes, I definitely think you can.


🅐 See a doctor.



Roza: Up next, Wednesday’s dialogue. Here’s the question. Which of the following is true? Which of the following is true?

🅐 The two people had dinner together last night.
🅑 The man spoke with Uncle Barry.
Or 🅒 Thursday is the 4th of July.

Listen carefully.

Takuma: Kelly, we haven’t had dinner together in a while.

Kelly: I know. I’ve been so busy with the show.

Takuma: You’re doing a great job, Kelly. Just between us, you’re better than your Uncle Barry.

Kelly: You really think so? Thanks.

Takuma: Aren’t you excited about the Fourth of July? Let’s go see the fireworks at the beach.

Kelly: Let me check my schedule. I’ll let you know if Thursday works.

Takuma: It’s a national holiday.

Kelly: True, but I’m in show business.


🅒 Thursday is the 4th of July.



David: OK, next up is Thursday’s dialogue. Here’s the question. Why did Gary get a new phone? Why did Gary get a new phone?

🅐 Because he needed it for his job.
🅑 Because the original one had a problem.
Or 🅒 Because he lost his old one.

Here we go!

Gary: Hi, Helen, how are you doing these days?

Helen: Hi, Gary. Fine. It’s hard to believe that we’re not in school anymore.

Gary: Yeah, I’m still looking for a job.

Helen: I’m sure you’ll find something soon. Hey, did you get your phone fixed?

Gary: They gave me a new one. There was some kind of problem with the original.

Helen: It’s hard to believe that the camera didn’t work.

Gary: What were the odds, right? One in ten thousand?

Helen: Lucky you.


🅑 Because the original one had a problem.

Say lt in Engish



My flight arrives at 12:30.


Ok. I’ll have my assistant pick you up. Could you wait for him at the arrival exit?

He will find you. If something comes up, please give me a call.




Hey, what’s making you cry? If there’s anything ! can do for you, please let me know.

I’m always on your side. You know that, right?





Ohnishi: さて、ここでお知らせです。8月にラジオ英会話のスペシャル番組を放送します。テーマは「英語のお悩み相談」。皆さんが日々の英語学習で感じているお悩みや疑問を、私が、ずばっ!と解決します。番組ホームページの投稿フォームから、あなたの英語のお悩みをぜひお寄せください。それでは今日はこの辺で

ALL: Bye!


  • ~を車で迎えに行く:pick~up
  • 到着出口:arrival exit
  • あなたの味方で:on your side